i got a camera!


Retired Staff
Feb 6, 2005
Throwback Tickets
sweet, i got a camera for my birthday... now i can like... take pictures


now i can prove my High scores for stuff... and, show everyone my animal crossing town

:D and... stuff, in stuff...
heh, thanks everyone


its not actually my birthday yet... my birthday is on the first day of school >_<

and yeah, i dont know what kind of camera it is... its pretty small, most of its room inside it is its battery


its digital, and i can hook it up to my computer... i think its called an "argus"
Pie_Or_Die said:
can you make MOVIES with it

like without audio

if not than get one that can

their wicked awsome
i could.... but it'd take forever...

i would just have to take a bunch of pictures at once


the camera actually holds 117 pictures


i dont care if thats nothing, its alot to me

thats about the same as mine

ok look

open up ur menue on the digi cam

now c if it has a Drive section

go there

and c if theres a movie icon

if so click it and merry christmas

(mine is olympus so its prob diff)
Pie_Or_Die said:
thats about the same as mine

ok look

open up ur menue on the digi cam

now c if it has a Drive section

go there

and c if theres a movie icon

if so click it and merry christmas

(mine is olympus so its prob diff)
yeah, mines different.... its tiny



mines basicly that big.... only curvier ^^
SysteMeltDown911 said:
hmm.....does it have a dial at the top,mine does,its an easy way to switch between movie/pictures an menue
its got a button... no dial, im positive, it cant do movies
