I got scammed.

That's very unfortunate, but I'm not sure if Nintendo is going to disable the easter event afterwards. I thought the update was just meant to not spoil events? Like if you get it on April 19th you can just work yourself through the days if you like and eventually play easter normally...
This makes me so sad! I am so sorry that this happened to you and what an absolute nightmare. I really hope that you are able to get your money back and the proper action is taken against this seller. But like alot of people have said in this thread, Paypal is amazing and any time I've ever had to get my money back, they've always been extremely helpful in getting it back.
I wish there was a virus circulating that just targeted and disposed of vermin like this; but left everybody else alone. Absolute scum.

I'm really sorry to hear this news John; I'll keep my fingers crossed that your bank can do something to redeem the situation.

Don't be yourself up over it, happens to the very best of us.
Well, I know it's not the same, but I'll miss the Easter Event too, as I don't get my copy till my B-day. So you at least aren't alone in missing the Easter Event.
I'm sorry to hear you going through this trouble! :c

Whenever you do get your hands on a Switch and ACNH, feel free to send me a pm or vm - I will gladly help you catch up and craft doubles of the Easter specials for you!
I'm so sorry to hear about this.

I have really little to no interest in the easter stuff. When we see how the event works, if I happen to get eggs/furniture/etc from it, I'd be happy to hold onto it for you if no one in my little group needs it (and they'll all be playing themselves, so we'll have extra).
This is why you dont buy from ebay. That site is filled with nothing but scammers. Well most. Never buy huge valuable items from there. Always get them from trusted sources. Hope you get your money back.
This is pretty much my mindset too, never trust ebay. OP, I'm sorry you got scammed; that's terrible.
Hope everything gets sorted.
This is horrible. I'm so, so sorry that this happened to you. I can't believe someone would do this- how rude!

Please don't feel like an idiot. You're not at fault in this situation whatsoever. Not everyone will do this to you, but there's always one bad apple to trip on. I hope this all works out, and that there will be repercussions for what this person did to you! Good luck, sir.
Hi, John, I didn't read through all of these, so if someone suggested this, I second it. Report this to the police, too. My daughter got scammed similarly about four years ago. Her bank would do nothing, despite the fact that the manager told her she would be safe to do the transaction through them! (I won't name the nation-wide bank, but I hope yours can help!) She did report to police right away, also, who could do nothing at the time. BUT...they reported to the IRS, who eventually filed a class-action suit against "a well-known international money transfer company." This past January she received a check for the amount that she had lost! Scammers...let's change their title to scummers! They will reap what they sow!

PS Of course you feel like an idiot, anyone would! But you are NOT one! Believe it!
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This is why you dont buy from ebay. That site is filled with nothing but scammers. Well most. Never buy huge valuable items from there. Always get them from trusted sources. Hope you get your money back.

Mmm iโ€™m going to disagree. Itโ€™s about being smart. I got my ACNH switch off of eBay and the things you absolutely need to look out for are seller history, the amount of sales they have, and how long they have been with eBay โ€” especially with expensive items. Iโ€™ve ordered countless times from eBay and similar sites and have not had any issues. I also only use Paypal as it gives an extra layer of protection.

To OP, Iโ€™m sorry that this happened to you. I hope you get your money back and if you still need the easter set when you start to play, iโ€™ll gladly give you it.
I agree with the people who say Ebay is safe. You just have to be smart and trust your gut instinct. If something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Always use Paypal and Ebay has the buyer guarantee.

I've bought phones off there (and they're great!) before but have done prior research on the seller to check their ratings, reviews and other games things they're selling. Most sellers are there to make a business so any negative reviews are terminal to them and they'd do anything to avoid them. Definitely leave this seller a negative review to warn others. I've actually never had any Ebay issues and I've bought all sorts of things off there from many different sellers coming from many different countries! I'm usually weary about Chinese sellers as many make bootlegs, especially with anime or video game merch. I've actually had to file complaints and issues with products arriving damaged or not arriving at all with sellers through Amazon multiple times surprisingly.

I'm sorry this has happened to you but definitely use paypal from here on out. Bank transfers are sketchy and in general paying that much for a Switch (limited edition or not) is sketchy too.
Hey, mistakes happen :( instead of beating yourself up just take it as an important lesson: be vigilant when making online purchases. I'm sure your bank will work it out as quickly as they can, and everything will be well! I wouldn't worry about missing the Easter event either, I'm sure there will be people trading the items here by the time you have the game.
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Those prices on ebay (and elsewhere) are insane. My husband would love his own switch so he can have his own island, but we're out of luck for now until the switch market stabilizes a bit more. I really really hope your bank and/or ebay can assist with getting you your money back. That's a lot of money to lose =( Sending love and sympathy
I want to thank you all for your well wishes!

I found the seller on facebook, and even found his mother.

My bank has been very slow so I phoned his bank myself, as the police were useless, then I sent his mother a few messages.

Today, I had a ton of Ebay messages from the seller saying he fell asleep the day he was meant to post the switch. Fell asleep - for THREE DAYS?

Then he said he was waiting for the switch to come from overseas! o_O

I said you have until the end of the day to refund me, as I have taken screenshots of our chats and sent them to the fraud department of both our banks, if my money isn't deposited back.

He said he would process a refund.
I'm not going to believe that until I see it.

Anyway, I have preordered a neon switch from EB Games and will have that by the 20th.

Thank you folks again, for everything.
I would definately like to buy the easter items that I'll be missing out on from you! :)

You are all awesome.

I bought mine for $470 off of amazon like a week and a half ago, that's crazy

I had the ACNH switch then sold it after deciding not to get the game, then I regretted it and got the game again but the ACNH switches were sold out.

People have been selling them for up to $2000 and getting that price, so when I saw one for $700, even though mine was $469, I foolishly jumped at the chance.

I won't be dealing with Ebay again. :(