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Jun 22, 2013
Sautéed Mushrooms
I HAVE THE MOST BORING TOWN EVER!!! :( Nothing ever happens and it's so boring! My villagers never talk to eachother and they never interact with stuff. They always repeat themselves and nothing funny happens.
My villagers are:Shep,Daisy,Eunice,Colton,Sylvia,Sheldon,Scoot,puck and Rodeo. I like all of them (except for sylvia)
Can anyone explain this? Also my town itself is kinda boring....I have quite a few PWPs but still.Maybe the reason my animals never talk is because they're all spread out? I dunno.Can someone tell me why my villagers never have conversations with eachother and never do anything funny.Also how should i make my town pretty and much more cheery? Thanks!
My villagers never have conversations either!! On Cityfolk they used to interract with eachother twice or more a day...
This was my problem too! i understand how boring it can be cause nothing ever happened in my town. the more I played, the more "friends" I became with villagers they started to use different dialogue. Sometimes villagers mention so and so are such great friends, always arguing, or lovebirds. This is usually an indicator that you may catch them having a conversation together. Just keep an eye out for two villagers facing close to each other and run up to talk to one of them and they'll have a conversation with you and the other villager. As for Pwp make sure if you're doing a bench or sculpture that villagers can sit on put in in a "busy" spot of your town where villagers usually walk or hang out by. You'll start to see them sitting on them and taking about them. I'm sure you're town will pick up. Give it some time.
- - - Post Merge - - -

Ok....Thanks dude! I'll try hard to make my town the best it can be!But i have had the game for a few months now...Anyway thanks!You raised my spirit somehow ^_^
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How do you know if 2 villagers are having a conversation? Many times I've seen them facing each other I run up to them and press A and then one of them just turns around and talks to me as normal. Only a couple of times I've had them talking to each other.
Mine talk a lot because I have five (Zell, Gwen, Rizzo, Fauna, and Marshal) that live within two or three steps of each other. I catch them in mid conversation quite often. I don't see a lot of villagers using the stumps or benches that I have scattered all around though. It's usually Boone if anyone since a bench is right next to his house.
I keep catching my villagers talking to each other after the fact. I wish there were a stronger indicator of a conversation, or that the window to participate were larger.
I caught the very end of a convo between Agent S and Rod today,you can tell when villagers are talking as they are facing each other and often have little emotions going on! I don't know what happened earlier but Agent S was not happy!
Mine barely talk to each other, I have only caught them talking to each other a couple times. Even though they all hang out near the same spot. :(
Mine barely talk to each other, I have only caught them talking to each other a couple times. Even though they all hang out near the same spot. :(

Yeah...on the ONE bridge you have in town before you can make more and you have to try and politely shuffle them all aside so you can get to Re-Tail to sell... :)
In my primary, they interact, visit each others' houses, talk about one another, sit on benches & invite me to join them, sit on patterned stumps, all kinds of stuff. I think certain types hit it off with certain ones better than others. My smugs & snooties like to chat to and about each other. My normal asks me about others all the time. The uchi are consistently hilarious and I'm pretty sure that Flo/Mira (uchi) and Snake (jock) all pass off stolen goods on me all the time.... Henry (smug) told me the police station makes him nervous but that he's NOT a criminal...but also that I shouldn't ask him about the thing with the sock puppets. He and Greta (snooty) are always hanging out in each others' houses, talking about/to each other and sending each other presents (usually via me) -- but also asking me not to tell anyone that they were seen together...

I don't know. I'm always cracking up about random things. One of my villagers rapped about my best friend after she visited. It was HILARIOUS. I nearly died laughing. I'll have to see if I still have the screencap because it was fantastic.