I just tested positive for Covid while fully vaccinated and I am STRESSED.

I can absolutely understand why you're stressed, I would be too, even though I am also fully vaccinated! I genuinely hope you will be okay and that you won't have any lasting effects. You did the right thing by getting vaccinated, it could be a lot worse otherwise.
Thank you everyone for the advice and the kind replies. I hopped on and saw that I had many more replies than when I last checked! I'm stable and while I lost my sense of smell completely, I still have a little bit of my taste left! The worst part of the whole thing for me was just getting my anxiety under control because I panicked a little! I've been playing games and working on school work to keep myself distracted and napping or cleaning. I appreciate everyone's advice and kindness! As long as my symptoms improve and I'm not running any fever, which I haven't yet, the doctor who tested me sent home information and stated that I only have to isolate for ten days from when my symptoms started, and only if I am improving. So I will focus on getting better and hopefully I'll be free soon!!
Hope you get well soon! I've never had it myself (also I never leave the house anyway and am fully vaxxed) but from what I heard from others, it is not a very pleasant virus. Something along the lines of it being like the cold and flu. Stay safe though and take care of yourself! :3
Sorry to hear. Hope you get better soon.
I would just take the extra precautions you would if you have the flu. Stay home, stay away from people, often clean surfaces in your house that are frequently touched with some disinfectant (light switches, door knobs, counters, tables, phones, keyboards, ect). Eat well (make sure you are getting your vitamins), rest, and stay hydrated.
Hang in there