I.M. New


Senior Member
Jan 13, 2010
And I HATE those Goodie-Goodies!

Anyway, I'm new. I just came from ACBay but they banned me from being "mean" or something. I couldn't help it everyone wrote like they were brain dead or something and I'm somewhat of a Grammar Nazi. I couldn't very well tolerate it. I hope you guys are more matured than ACBay's userbase. It was like a Child Day Care there. I mean heck I hate to ramble on about this but it was 30% Normal People who wouldn't stop complaining about the younger members, 50% members who didn't even know what grammar was, and 20% spambots. Everywhere.

Anyway, I have AC:WW with Wi-Fi and I just stared some days ago. I played it before for an entire year but got bored. I joined here because I want to be part of of an AC community, hard to find any decent ones though. I hope I found a good one. I don't have an AR and don't really plan on getting one. AR is pretty much the reason why I stopped playing my old one anyway.

Well I never really know what to put in Introductions so I mainly just ramble. k'.
Oh damn Tyeforce are you an Apple Fanboy?

I'm a computer nerd I'm gonna have problems with that.

Anyways thank you everyone. So many members decent grammar it's beautiful!
Bogmire said:
Oh damn Tyeforce are you an Apple Fanboy?

I'm a computer nerd I'm gonna have problems with that.

Anyways thank you everyone. So many members decent grammar it's beautiful!
Yeah, I love my MacBook Pro. =3 I'll try to help you with anything you need, but my boyfriend (Shadow Jolteon) knows a lot more than me, so he'd probably be able to help more, lol.

And, yes, proper grammar is a beautiful thing! XD
Well I don't have a problem with Mac Lovers so long as you know how to shut up. I go to YouTube a lot and let me tell you, they never shut up. "I get it you own a Mac no one cares leave me alone"

If I were you I'd just learn C++ and make my own OS out of GNU/Linux. Cheap, Customizable, and blah blah blah I'll shut up now it's not important disregard my stupidity.
Bogmire said:
Well I don't have a problem with Mac Lovers so long as you know how to shut up. I go to YouTube a lot and let me tell you, they never shut up. "I get it you own a Mac no one cares leave me alone"

If I were you I'd just learn C++ and make my own OS out of GNU/Linux. Cheap, Customizable, and blah blah blah I'll shut up now it's not important disregard my stupidity.
Why overcomplicate things, though? .-. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with Linux, but it's just too complicated unless you know exactly what you're doing. I would never want an OS likes that. I like things kept simple. I'll keep it at that. But if my boyfriend was around, he'd give you a good long speech as to why Mac is so great. XD But, yeah, I understand your reasonings, and in the end it comes down to personal preference. My boyfriend actually has a PC running Linux (previously Windows), and I have Vista on my MacBook Pro, so we use all three operating systems. Don't think we're just stupid, biased Mac fanboys that don't listen to reason. =p

Anyway, welcome to TBT. You can be sure that there will be lots of heated debates like this here, lol.
Good, I LOVE heated and intellectual debates.

But the only thing about Mac is it's basically a PC under Apple's control and you're not allowed to do anything they don't tell you to. It's kinda like being a prisoner. You don't make your own choices but then you don't have to worry about messing up. If you have a lot of money and are too ignorant to learn anything about computers than I suppose a Mac is good for you, but if like to do anything at all with computers other than use it for a browser and MP3 player, or even if you want to use Flash or use Application Tools, then get a normal computer.

Mac isn't better, it's easier. There's a difference. Really, it's FAR too expensive. If I was really rich I'd get one, but as long as I live a normal life I will use my money to build an awesome ricer gaming computer that can play Crysis. My $600 PC can already play Crysis. Not GTA4 but still. It was $500 until I put in a $100 ATi Radeon HD 4670 1GB Graphics Card. I'll wait til I save enough to build a new computer to work with Liquid Cooling. Then I'll never have to worry about dust again.

lol sorry I get SO carried away with the Mac vs. PC debate. :3
Bogmire said:
Good, I LOVE heated and intellectual debates.

But the only thing about Mac is it's basically a PC under Apple's control and you're not allowed to do anything they don't tell you to. It's kinda like being a prisoner. You don't make your own choices but then you don't have to worry about messing up. If you have a lot of money and are too ignorant to learn anything about computers than I suppose a Mac is good for you, but if like to do anything at all with computers other than use it for a browser and MP3 player, or even if you want to use Flash or use Application Tools, then get a normal computer.

Mac isn't better, it's easier. There's a difference. Really, it's FAR too expensive. If I was really rich I'd get one, but as long as I live a normal life I will use my money to build an awesome ricer gaming computer that can play Crysis. My $600 PC can already play Crysis. Not GTA4 but still. It was $500 until I put in a $100 ATi Radeon HD 4670 1GB Graphics Card. I'll wait til I save enough to build a new computer to work with Liquid Cooling. Then I'll never have to worry about dust again.

lol sorry I get SO carried away with the Mac vs. PC debate. :3
Okay, one thing that really pissing me off is when people say that Mac is too restricted. It's not. My boyfriend is a web developer, and he's learning to make applications, and he does everything on his Mac. He wouldn't be using a Mac if it was so restricted. I'll just wait for him to get off work so he can tell you himself, because he knows a lot more than me and is better at debates. I suck at debating. =p
Can he open zipped documents?

And still, if you built your own PC it would be twice as powerful at three times cheaper, and each part would come with a Lifetime Warranty. Why would I spend twice as much for something with a 1 year warranty that I can't customize? It NEVER made sense to me. Why waste 2 weeks waiting for someone to fix it when I can fix it myself within an hour?
Bogmire said:
Can he open zipped documents?

And still, if you built your own PC it would be twice as powerful at three times cheaper, and each part would come with a Lifetime Warranty. Why would I spend twice as much for something with a 1 year warranty that I can't customize? It NEVER made sense to me. Why waste 2 weeks waiting for someone to fix it when I can fix it myself within an hour?
What do you mean? Anyone can open zipped documents. Just click on them and Archive Utility does it for you.

And if you built your own computer, it may be cheaper, but it won't be nearly as nice. Apple bundles everything together. You get the built-in iSight camera, AirPort, Bluetooth, etc., and all the great preinstalled apps, all together in a sleek unibody design.
You do you mean it won't be as nice? My computer runs perfectly. How it is not nice? And how hard is it to go out and buy a camera? It's still cheaper. Mac is made out of the same Hardware is a PC. Why can't I just get the stuff myself and save $700 and have a Lifetime Warranty?

And who cares about pre-installed programs (I refuse to call it an "app")? All I need is a web browser and I can get any kind of "app" I wish. Even if it costs money there's always a Torrent of it. Why not long ago I got RPG Maker XP. Not by paying $60, but because I actually know how to do that.