I.M. New

Bogmire said:
ALL Humans are greedy ********.

It's in our instincts, our very core, what makes us tick. If we can get it, we want it. We're Seagulls. When we see something there's always a war in our heads. "Should I take that or am I too lazy?". If you're not lazy and actually take a second to download a BitTorrent Protocol and look for a Torrent, it's yours, absolutely free. BUT YOU GOTTA CALL RIGHT NOW!
No. Not everyone. There are people who actually have morals and are honest. Plus, if I want an application, I'm going to want to support the developer by buying it.
I don't care what you say you're still paying hundreds of dollars to copy some numbers on a shiny frisbee. Might as well get the thing for free, no one cares.

You I think we all know by now nice guys finish last. There always has to be that one thing you do just to get through life.
I do have a PC, but don't torrent. I tried once with Sony Vegas because it's ridiculously expensive, and couldn't bring myself to use it because I felt too guilty, so I just uninstalled it. :p
I don't torrent all the time, just when I want something. I'm like a cat, I do what I want when I want and have no conscious when doing so. =3
In the end, who cares?