I.M. New

Bogmire said:
You do you mean it won't be as nice? My computer runs perfectly. How it is not nice? And how hard is it to go out and buy a camera? It's still cheaper. Mac is made out of the same Hardware is a PC. Why can't I just get the stuff myself and save $700 and have a Lifetime Warranty?

And who cares about pre-installed programs (I refuse to call it an "app")? All I need is a web browser and I can get any kind of "app" I wish. Even if it costs money there's always a Torrent of it. Why not long ago I got RPG Maker XP. Not by paying $60, but because I actually know how to do that.
Nice as in all-in-one. I'd much rather have an internal iSight camera than an external camera. What's great about Mac is that you have everything you need the moment you start up your computer. No do-it-yourself stuff or any of that hassle. It's unnecessary.

FYI, application is the correct term for what you call a "program". I have no idea why Windows chooses to call them programs. Anyway, I like to own my software legally, thank you very much. I hate piracy. You can pirate all you want, but I'll never stoop that low. It's no different than stealing. You don't shoplift from the store, do you? Because pirating is basically the same thing.
No, Piracy is NOT stealing. Stealing is where you take the original, where as Piracy is where you COPY the original. Go ahead, use that money you could have spent on something like food or bills or cloths to copy some numbers on a shiny Frisbee, I don't care.

And IMO I hate build in cameras. What if it breaks? What if I want to change it's position? What if I want to unplug it so if anyone hacks into my computer (Schizophrenic lol) they can't see me doing my "private stuff"? I REALLY don't see why you would pay $700 for a build in camera where you can buy a $30 camera and just plug the thing in. And setting up a computer is not a hassle. Setting up a computer only takes 10 minutes tops and you get to customize it any way you want. I suppose I should ride a bike all my life because buying gas is so much work.
Wow, a newbie who can spell definitely :O Welcome to TBT, enjoy your stay.
Well I tend to get bored of a forum a lot. I'm what you could call a "Drifter", joining and leaving to join another, but if I really like it I'll stay, and the members here are a MILLION times better than ACBay's, so I'll probably stay for a long time. Seriously anyone ever go to ACBay?

Don't. If you're a Grammar Nazi, that place is your Hell. Most of the members there are incapable of the simplest tasks. "how do i get th goldin shovel??????"
Hellsingrunner said:
Oh boy, I welcome you grammar nazi. Beware my friend, for here, there be spammers... and the grammatically illiterate! :p
And watch out for a certain
EDIT:Anyway, welcome you will be angered by some members on here if your a grammar nazi but for the most part, you'll fit in just fine :D .
Bogmire said:
No, Piracy is NOT stealing. Stealing is where you take the original, where as Piracy is where you COPY the original. Go ahead, use that money you could have spent on something like food or bills or cloths to copy some numbers on a shiny Frisbee, I don't care.

And IMO I hate build in cameras. What if it breaks? What if I want to change it's position? What if I want to unplug it so if anyone hacks into my computer (Schizophrenic lol) they can't see me doing my "private stuff"? I REALLY don't see why you would pay $700 for a build in camera where you can buy a $30 camera and just plug the thing in. And setting up a computer is not a hassle. Setting up a computer only takes 10 minutes tops and you get to customize it any way you want. I suppose I should ride a bike all my life because buying gas is so much work.
Um, piracy is stealing. It doesn't matter if it's a copy or not. All software is a copy of the original, so you're implying that it'd be fine to just walk into a store and take a CD right off the shelf without paying. Developers have to make money somehow. They can't just give away their software for free. Yes, there are some developers that overprice their software *coughAdobecough*, but that doesn't give you the right to pirate it. Piracy is illegal for a reason.

It's funny, you sound exactly like my ones friend. He's a Linux guru, he built his computer himself from different parts he bought, he hates built-in things, and he has multiple monitors. Heh. Anyway, you can still get things repaired if they're built in. Why wouldn't you be able to? And with Apple's quality, your hardware shouldn't break down unless you've done something stupid.
Welcome to TBT.

I already like you. Please stay, we need some good new members.
Bogmire said:
You do you mean it won't be as nice? My computer runs perfectly. How it is not nice? And how hard is it to go out and buy a camera? It's still cheaper. Mac is made out of the same Hardware is a PC. Why can't I just get the stuff myself and save $700 and have a Lifetime Warranty?

And who cares about pre-installed programs (I refuse to call it an "app")? All I need is a web browser and I can get any kind of "app" I wish. Even if it costs money there's always a Torrent of it. Why not long ago I got RPG Maker XP. Not by paying $60, but because I actually know how to do that.
That my friend is called crime and can get you fined, so therefore you'll probably end up with a fine larger than the amount of a Mac.
SAMwich said:
Bogmire said:
You do you mean it won't be as nice? My computer runs perfectly. How it is not nice? And how hard is it to go out and buy a camera? It's still cheaper. Mac is made out of the same Hardware is a PC. Why can't I just get the stuff myself and save $700 and have a Lifetime Warranty?

And who cares about pre-installed programs (I refuse to call it an "app")? All I need is a web browser and I can get any kind of "app" I wish. Even if it costs money there's always a Torrent of it. Why not long ago I got RPG Maker XP. Not by paying $60, but because I actually know how to do that.
That my friend is called crime and can get you fined, so therefore you'll probably end up with a fine larger than the amount of a Mac.
They can't catch me, it's virtually impossible :3

Face it, Mac users have this "Moral Complex" because they CAN'T get stuff for free so they might as well pretend to be angles. Okay, go ahead and wast all that money, not my life, I already have hundreds of dollars in free stuff, and it's impossible for me to ever get caught, like so many others.

In the mean time, I might as well see that 3D MMORPG Maker that cost $160, which I got free off of a BitTorrent Protocol of course.
Bogmire said:
SAMwich said:
Bogmire said:
You do you mean it won't be as nice? My computer runs perfectly. How it is not nice? And how hard is it to go out and buy a camera? It's still cheaper. Mac is made out of the same Hardware is a PC. Why can't I just get the stuff myself and save $700 and have a Lifetime Warranty?

And who cares about pre-installed programs (I refuse to call it an "app")? All I need is a web browser and I can get any kind of "app" I wish. Even if it costs money there's always a Torrent of it. Why not long ago I got RPG Maker XP. Not by paying $60, but because I actually know how to do that.
That my friend is called crime and can get you fined, so therefore you'll probably end up with a fine larger than the amount of a Mac.
They can't catch me, it's virtually impossible :3

Face it, Mac users have this "Moral Complex" because they CAN'T get stuff for free so they might as well pretend to be angles. Okay, go ahead and wast all that money, not my life, I already have hundreds of dollars in free stuff, and it's impossible for me to ever get caught, like so many others.

In the mean time, I might as well see that 3D MMORPG Maker that cost $160, which I got free off of a BitTorrent Protocol of course.
What, so it's not possible that we're actually honest people? >_>
ALL Humans are greedy ********.

It's in our instincts, our very core, what makes us tick. If we can get it, we want it. We're Seagulls. When we see something there's always a war in our heads. "Should I take that or am I too lazy?". If you're not lazy and actually take a second to download a BitTorrent Protocol and look for a Torrent, it's yours, absolutely free. BUT YOU GOTTA CALL RIGHT NOW!