• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

I need everyones opinion's and thought on my idea plz!


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Update" someone said they couldn't make it so registration is open for scavenger hunt 1,
There is one spot left first come first served this update happened.

I will be hosting 2 scavenger hunts this wednesday.Other registration one will be open randomly today or tomorrow,so try to keep up to date with the thread and don't miss out on winning free bells+more bells or the prize thats listed it will be your choice between the two. The trivia will be Thursday some items you can win will be posted under that part of this thread.

Now in the scavenger hunt I was thinking I would hide about 300-400k bells around my town. Also there will be
other items hidden around town as well such as, Furniture,wallpaper,persimmon, tools ect

Now the rules would be simple.
1. You have to put all your money in bank before coming over.
2. There will be a count down by me after all the visitors are at the station waiting and my greeting is over.
3. You must put your bells in the locker that you accumulate
4. Once all of the bells are found or most of them we will tally it up.
5 You get to keep all the bells that you found ,the furniture,and everything else that I hid.

FOR THE PRIZEsFan girl scream ahhhhh! PRIZES!
The first hunt registration is closed
First prize 300k-or santa set your choice
second prize 150k or regal set
third prize 75k or full heroes set clothes+Triforce+mastersword (I think thats full heros)

Now I'm willing to buy a helper I will pay you 300k to help me set up the town
hidding items,setting up certain things that will catch players by surprise to make the event more interesting. Also if i'm in a good mood depending on my day I may just give an additional 200k to all the players who participated in the event.

SECond event
Also thinking about hosting a trivia. I would most likely do this on a chat site such as xat or something.
were I will ask different questions it could be animal crossing,anime,word problems,math,geography It can range from many things. Were the winner gets the item offered. Probably mostly anime tho <3 love anime.

It will be who ever can answer first wins the prize.
Prizes so far.
Full Zodiac set(all these pieces of the zodiac)
Also (not 100 percent yet still buying) but a K.K song of your choice if you can get a
answer correct if I say next prize K.K song of your choice(from what I have collected so far).
3white katana's I think they are DLC +more prize updates later as i get them and some surprises.
2 pink swimsuits

Third idea so far
Is to host a giveaway were I willl be giving away items could even be (full sets or dlcs or pieces of sets)
now for this one i'm not sure about and would appreciate input on how to make it better.
So far I thought about having a list of items and getting the list of entries and then finding a computer generator that will match everyones name to an item on the list. That way everyone who enters wins. Since I might be over my storage capacity when getting the items this will highly happen.( NO date set yet currently still pending)

I am also thinking about more events but these are some of the things I came up with. Some of you may be thinking,why are you doing this whats in it for you? Well I get nothing out of it to be honest no bells furniture or anything. But my reason is I want to give all the animal crossing new leaf players something to look forward to during the week. I won't be doing these events every day maybe picking certain one's to do on certain days since it will take time to organize and set up towns.

so I appreciate everyone's criticism and thought on this please I really want to know if the ideas a good one to do or trash it.
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I really like all of these ideas Tetsuya, especially the first one. I would be very interested in participating in any of the contest. You can count me in, and I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this thread. :)
This sounds like so much fun, omg. I'd love to be a helper! I like sabotaging my unwanted neighbors with special "surprises" when they're out walking... >:3
About the first idea, is there anything stopping the participants from lying about how many bells they've accumulated? Personally, I would just have them drop their bells on the ground in front of the station once time is called. Then again, there's no way of knowing that they didn't bring bells either...
well since I know the total of bells that I dropped I can add em up the sum and if someone is fishy or off then the whole thing is aborted and he will ruin it for everyone in the event.
The reason I'm hosting the event isn't because its risky its because I want to make people happy I don't care about what I lose.
Heck I will even buy full sets just so I can use them in my giveaways(maybe even get a possible supplier)

Also some of the items in the scavenger hunt Will be hero items(possibly if I can get my hands on them) Anyone got more questions feel free to post on the thread. As I want all of you to be able to trust that this is 100 percent legit. Umm also its cause I have lots of money and don't know what to do with it.

Also since I only know the exact total in lying around town(There's no way for someone to be able to bring there own bells)
I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE for this wonderful idea! i would be glad to be a helper free of charge i don't really need bells anyways and as a bonus i need to clear out my locker so maybe i can donate some stuff too
That would be awesome nice guy I didn't even think anyone would donate since I didn't ask, yet you don't have too. Anyone else got some thoughts on my ideas or questions I'm willing to answer all concerns that you have. P.s Apparently no one likes trivia.
ONce I get most peoples opinions I will set the events in motion. If you want to help out give me a pm so far I have 2 people willing
also I would appreciate it if after the events (such as the scavenger hunt) You could post in this thread to say what you found and how much you earned. If it was fun and you liked it. So that others would know its legit and wouldn't mind playing the game.
As for the trivia ,it won't be hosted in my town but on a site were even I think 50 people can participate and talk at once I haven't seen the maximum yet. In the upcoming scavenger hunt there will be HERO Items hint master sword . If you want to see if there will be more then try your luck. So far people like my idea ^_^ Yay
Are you still looking for a helper? I'm not really interested in bells. I just get bored and want to find things to do with other people in Animal Crossing, lol.
Yeah I don't mind looking for someone to help me stay organized tho , maybe (later on after a few events we can accept donations and have a person using a house for storage) Also what if the events get larger with more participants and we can host more scavenger hunts in a day then. But yes Helpers are much appreciated as of right now its only an idea. If your interested in helping pm me. I will change threads name once we got everything set up and we can host our first event sometime next week? If everyones ok with that?
Sound like a great idea! If you need any more helpers, I'd be a helper free of charge, I like helping people more than I like bells.
I'd be a happy participant for the scavenger hunt :D

I'd be keeping an eye out for the details of the first event. Will you be taking registration here? Or you'll create a new thread?
I have not decided yet but I think i'll take the registration here. We will also appreciate after the event if the participants tell us there experience on it. Also what we can approve on so that each week the events can get better and better.