I still don’t know how mistery islands work


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2021
So yesterday and today I embarked in a desperate hunt for my last plot. I had all the personalities on my island except for a cranky and I thought that I would have a lot of them on the different islands while hunting. Well I was wrong: I hopped almost 145 islands(yes, it was brutal) and I had a total of 5 crankies. So I really don’t understand how that works...
Also, I always thought that the first thing that rolls out is the species and then the personalities but I had an absurd amount of elephants, rhinos, gorillas, bears and most of all, for some weird reasons, kangaroos.
Can someone explain better how villager hunting works so that when it’s time to hunt again(most of my villagers are not permanent at this stage) I won’t loose my sanity? 🌸
Hi. I'm not sure if this will help you, but it looks like cranky villagers only have a 15% chance of showing up. Link to article

I understand the frustration though. A few months ago, I was searching for Graham and used about 240 NMT. I ended up having to get him from Nookazon.
Hi. I'm not sure if this will help you, but it looks like cranky villagers only have a 15% chance of showing up. Link to article

I understand the frustration though. A few months ago, I was searching for Graham and used about 240 NMT. I ended up having to get him from Nookazon.
That explains a lot of things. Yes it was so frustrating, also because I wasn’t looking for one villager in particular, I had more in mind 😅
IDK exactly how the species roll things work on a technical level, but on a personal experience level, my game favors certain species more then others. I tend to find a lot of chickens, octopuses, and rhinos for some reason.

Frankly, it'd be nice if it favored personalities we're missing... but then I can't complain too much, considering how much say we had in who moved in in previous games 😅

If you're really desperate for a cranky, check this forum. It doesn't look like any crankies are available now, but try posting on the "Looking for" thread or check different "shops". It's generally a great way to fill slots, and most charge TBT, which can be earned just by chatting! (IDK if any of this is new info to you, but just thought I'd throw it out there, lol)
IDK exactly how the species roll things work on a technical level, but on a personal experience level, my game favors certain species more then others. I tend to find a lot of chickens, octopuses, and rhinos for some reason.

Frankly, it'd be nice if it favored personalities we're missing... but then I can't complain too much, considering how much say we had in who moved in in previous games 😅

If you're really desperate for a cranky, check this forum. It doesn't look like any crankies are available now, but try posting on the "Looking for" thread or check different "shops". It's generally a great way to fill slots, and most charge TBT, which can be earned just by chatting! (IDK if any of this is new info to you, but just thought I'd throw it out there, lol)
Thank you! I got some villagers through the forums by lovely and honest people because once I tried Nookazon and I was scammed so never again. As for now I had to settle for Bones, which was on my last island and my last ticket. I’m happy with him cause I kinda wanted him but still no cranky 😂
If you have 10 villagers and no crankie and you don't mind time traveling, you can always try for the campsite method. I think on mystery island, the game won't try to give you a missing personality but the campsite will.
If you have 10 villagers and no crankie and you don't mind time traveling, you can always try for the campsite method. I think on mystery island, the game won't try to give you a missing personality but the campsite will.
Sounds crazy but I’m literally scared of time travelling because I never did in previous AC games and when I did in NH the first week I had the game because I was eager to know what was coming next it literally spoiled the whole experience and I resetted my very first island 😂 yeah I’m peculiar. I’ll patiently wait but thanks for the advice 🙂
So yesterday and today I embarked in a desperate hunt for my last plot. I had all the personalities on my island except for a cranky and I thought that I would have a lot of them on the different islands while hunting. Well I was wrong: I hopped almost 145 islands(yes, it was brutal) and I had a total of 5 crankies. So I really don’t understand how that works...
Also, I always thought that the first thing that rolls out is the species and then the personalities but I had an absurd amount of elephants, rhinos, gorillas, bears and most of all, for some weird reasons, kangaroos.
Can someone explain better how villager hunting works so that when it’s time to hunt again(most of my villagers are not permanent at this stage) I won’t loose my sanity? 🌸
The only time personalities affect the odds are campsite visitors. On the islands, the odds are based on the number of species and then the number of villagers in each specie. So the odds for a cat would be 1/35 x 1/26.
Unfortunately it's all just RNG. I feel your pain - I get a lot of those same species that show up more than they seem like they should as well - way more of them than other species like cats, dogs, or penguins which I've seen very little of. The good news now that you've invited Bones is that your campsite will favor giving you crankies when you get a visitor so you might see someone you want that way.
I hear ya! Was in the same situation yesterday. I ran into Renee and Lopez twice over the span of 20 tickets. I also saw the same species chickens, and horses... I snagged Julian though ;)

Another fateful event that occurred, while resorting to Nookazon, someone told me to wait after the transaction and while I was waiting, I decided to do one more tour. Well, I found Marina, the same villager I was going to give absurd NMT for. So, just when you think it's over, you might just find the one you want!

Village hunting gets exhausting, so I feel ya there. You do end up with a lot of resources if you make the most of it.

I really hope you get the villagers you want in a timely matter.
I hear ya! Was in the same situation yesterday. I ran into Renee and Lopez twice over the span of 20 tickets. I also saw the same species chickens, and horses... I snagged Julian though ;)

Another fateful event that occurred, while resorting to Nookazon, someone told me to wait after the transaction and while I was waiting, I decided to do one more tour. Well, I found Marina, the same villager I was going to give absurd NMT for. So, just when you think it's over, you might just find the one you want!

Village hunting gets exhausting, so I feel ya there. You do end up with a lot of resources if you make the most of it.

I really hope you get the villagers you want in a timely matter.
That’s right! I got so many bells catching all the wasps and so many bottles on the beach so it wasn’t all wasted but...it was still brutal 😂
I also don't really understand the species roll first thing either. I did notice I saw basically the same pool of villagers over and over and it did seem to only choose from certain species (for example on one of my hunting days, I visited 100 islands and I saw mostly alligators, cub bears, squirrels and a few other species). My guess is that the game rolls for species and sticks with those same species for the day??? Even though I had cubs as one of my species, I never found Judy.
I also don't really understand the species roll first thing either. I did notice I saw basically the same pool of villagers over and over and it did seem to only choose from certain species (for example on one of my hunting days, I visited 100 islands and I saw mostly alligators, cub bears, squirrels and a few other species). My guess is that the game rolls for species and sticks with those same species for the day??? Even though I had cubs as one of my species, I never found Judy.
Its a random species every island
If you seem to be getting the same species over and over it's just coincidence
Its a random species every island
If you seem to be getting the same species over and over it's just coincidence
Oh, I see. I must have terrible luck because I've used over 500 NMTs for villager hunting and I would see the same villagers over and over :(