I tried making the Carp Banner IRL


Don’t eat me. I have a wife and kids. Eat them.
Apr 16, 2020
Green Moon Jellyfish
Blue Moon Jellyfish
Pink Moon Jellyfish
Blue Moon Jellyfish
Rainbow Moon Jellyfish
Green Moon Jellyfish
Silver Moon Jellyfish
Pink Moon Jellyfish
Gold Moon Jellyfish
Green Moon Jellyfish
I really liked the addition of the carp banner they had for (Japan's) Childrens Day, I think I bought like 5 at once. My nieces play AC as well and when I randomly saw the real carp banner flags pass by online, I found a fun project to do with them last week and make the AC carp banner IRL!


I don't know if it shows in the photos but its actually pretty tall, I bought a 20ft/6m high wooden pole and put it in the ground, then got some rope/thingies to create a flag mechanism so we could take it up & down and finally ordered the 6 banners (top 4 are 5ft/1.5m tall).

They look so colourful and really puts something fun in the garden for the summer! :D

The store person also shared some info on them for those interested: They're called "Koinobori" and families hang them around Childrens Day (but they can stay up for about a month before/after). It's only meant to celebrate the sons of the family (fantastic idea to build this with my nieces, right? 🤦‍♂️) which goes back to the Samurai in the Edo Period of Japan. The top flag is the "family" one followed by always a black and red one (representing father & mother) and then the first born son, second born, etc... . It's for good fortune for the sons & that they grow up as strong as carps.


I love that! When I was younger I lived on a lake and there was person who had a carp banner in his yard. I think he just liked fishing but it went well with the area. I never knew the origins of it until i started seeing them in AC. They’re so cool and oddly one of my fave furniture items.
That's really cool! I love that the store person was able to give you such history on them. I enjoyed learning about it from you!
This is wholesome. I love it! First time I saw a carp banner was during a Pokemon episode but I didn't know about the actual holiday until Animal Crossing. Good work! I'm sure it was a lot of fun.
wait that actually looks so nice :’o. you and your nieces did a wonderful job!