I want to live in the past


forever 90s ❤️
Feb 21, 2022
I want to go back to the late 90s/early 2000s and never leave, lol. I do what I can to feel like I am still there, but radio and TV always take me back to the present. I want to have my old PC and the tube TV back. I want the internet to not be as important and huge. I want a mobile phone without touch screen. My clothing looks quiet 90s/00s, and I like to listen to and burn songs to CDs. I feel like everything is so fast and stressful nowadays. I miss everything from back then so much! I want to hear the Windows XP sound and watch MTV.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not crazy, lol. But does anyone feel the same?
I kinda don't lol cause the further you go back in time the less acceptance LGBT+/neurodivergent people have and that's kinda a big deal for me :)

BUT that's why I have a CRT television still in use in my bedroom, a bunch of classic beanie babies, VHS tapes, mix CDs, the same Windows XP desktop I've had since 2008, and a bunch of music playlists from my childhood, among other things. I like to embrace the present day and live for right now, but I also love old stuff and ofc I'm a collector so it just works. 😊

I think it's important to remember the old days but don't spend too much time there or you'll miss what's going on now. just slow down and take a breather.
I'd quite happily live in a world without social media being so prevalent in our lives, but other than that I'm quite content with living in the present especially where technology is concerned. I couldn't back to an era where things like streaming services don't exist, we can pay for everything by a simple tap from a debit card or smart phone or be able to order things online and get it less than 24 hours later etc.
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I sorta do, but it's mainly because of the things that bring me happiness. Things include my old games, old photos, VHS tapes, old memories, etc. There's a reason why I still keep the old stuff today. I can always go back to it whenever I want without dealing with the bad stuff that happened in the past, especially when society was less accepting of others and everything else with it.

I also don't want to go back to being a cringy teen. I hated that and honestly can't believe some of the things I did that I wouldn't do today lol. If we keep reminiscing about the past, we'll miss out on the stuff today that can bring us happiness just the same. It's all about making the most of your life and living to the fullest!
I definitely don’t, lol. I’d hate to be back in school. I guess it would be okay if I was the same age and could have a job. It would be interesting to experience the world at an earlier time, though.
I am also obsessed with the past and nostalgia, but leaning more towards early to late 2000s. I've always dreamed of recreating the feeling of old television with a program that somehow randomizes a set of shows and adds in old commercials from my childhood. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy having the choice of what to watch with like Netflix and whatnot, but there's something nice about just having the TV on and passively watching what's on. But I can't stand modern TV schedules or modern commercials.
I also miss the early days of the internet, when blogging was more popular and the humor was stupid, silly, and nerdy. But I'm sure there's plenty of negative aspects of that time. I guess I'd rather live today and enjoy all of these things in retrospect, as long as the media is preserved. The preservation of games, shows, websites, commercials, and everything else is very important.
It's not that hard to relive the 2000s. Get a CRT tv. Play some retro games.

What I miss most is flash games and the weather being less erratic and fall and spring being longer and more mild.

Anyway ditto to the other people on here in that it was a terrible time to be LGBT+
I do not blame you. I am a very nostalgic person, so there is always something I am missing about when I was younger. I wouldn't say I would want to go back into the late 1990s, as I was barely around for them (I was born in 1998), but I do want to go back into the early 2010s (I miss 2011-early 2016 like crazy ;-;
Yes and No. I mean, the past was great, but at the same time.. would it be as great as adult than as it was as child?
Hm.. I would definitely buy hundred of Tamagotchis though when I see the market nowadays for it, lol
Like others have said, it's yes and no for me. I do remember how much easier life seemed in the late 90's and early 2000's for me, but how much of that was due to me being younger versus it actually being relevant to the time period? I don't know. I was an older teen/young adult during that time so I did work and had a place of my own and responsibilities, but I think a lot of my perspective was based on the hopefulness of youth. Even when things were bad, I knew I had so much time ahead of me to turn it around. Things look very different in your 20's versus in your 40's.

I do know the world has changed quite a bit since then and everything does seem faster. It feels like schools and companies put more pressure on people. I remember when we used to have snow days off from work. Now, they just expect us to work from home.

If I could live in the past, a part of me would actually like to go further back in time. I'd love to experience the Victorian era. But to echo others, I don't think I could actually live with all the social restrictions of the past. Society has come a long way and if I lived in the past, I would feel a need to be on the front lines, fighting for the progress that we've made since then.
I kind of agree with what you are saying. Technology and social media has really consumed a lot of people's lives. I've mostly been able to stay away from it because I still own a flipphone, but I see so much of my family glued to their smartphone 24/7 with that fomo mindset.

@LadyDestani Yeah I do Civil War reenactments sometimes, but would never enjoy living in that period. Even if it was before the war, there wasn't any real government to help out the people, the simplest illness could kill you and child/infant mortality was super high due to that, and you just worked from birth to death or you starved. I'd rather just experience how a solider lived for the weekend, thank you lol.
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I can relate... The 90s/early 2000s were great. I watch commercials and shows from that time and get so nostalgic. I was a kid though so that's probably why I look back on it so fondly. Everything just seemed so.. warm and fuzzy? And the music was great!! (Not that today's music isn't great either, it's just different)

If I could time travel to any time, it'd definitely be that era, just so I could buy my now vintage Pokémon figures at a good price lmao.
I have a feeling I’ll be like my grandma or great aunt in the future. I’ll use current technology to communicate with people, but my entertainment will mostly be rooted in my youth. That being said I already rely on older technology for a lot of things. I only read printed books, I play retro games on my CRT tube tv, and I listen to vinyl records and CDs regularly. There’s a genuine charm to older forms of entertainment and I don’t think I’ll get rid of them anytime soon.
I use to really miss the 90s a few years ago but I gave it some thought and decided I don't actually miss it. The things I loved about that time, most of it I can find today and it has technically improved. An example is retro video games. There are alot made today brand new with the same feeling, but had improvements. With the internet existing, you can find pretty much whatever style of thing your looking for. Plus I don't want to go back in time, I mean the 90s we're good but I don't want to go through everything I went through again. It wasn't fun, it wasn't enjoyable.
The 90s was great for kids. There were new cool toys coming out with the tech boom and there were nice cartoons and anime on standard tv. I'm not sure I could say the same for adults. I mean the economy was really good then, but working women had it tough, the lbgt community had it tough, and there was less representation of minorities back then than now. Oh and the christian community was still heavily infected with bad theology, teaching, and manipulation junk from the early 1900s. It's much better today and we have wonderful scholars, theologians, archeologists, and internet to thank for that.
Don't get me wrong, the 90s were progressive compared to past decades, but we are much further along now in the 2020s.
The 2000s I don't have any feelings for even though I was young. Probably cuz my life started to get dark then. 2010s were better but still no nostalgia feelings. I have to say so far the 2020s have been the best though people seem more obnoxious..and it's harder to get a job worth anything.
I definitely wouldn't call the 2020s the best for me with the pandemic, all the terrible tension happening overseas, and more than half of the jobs not being able to support a single person, but it still has its positives as well.
I believe this is why people always say the grass is greener on the other side.

for me i'd go to the future. quality of life tends to improve as technology improves, *shrug*

You said you want to go to the future, so I have to ask. If our bodies synchronized age-wise with whichever time we went to, would you be fine with getting older automatically in that case? :LOL: Dumb question I know, but I had to ask.
You said you want to go to the future, so I have to ask. If our bodies synchronized age-wise with whichever time we went to, would you be fine with getting older automatically in that case? :LOL: Dumb question I know, but I had to ask.
xD I mean, that's technically what's already happening, we're going into the future at a rate of 1 second per second

but nah, i'd like the whole science-fiction transplant current self into designated era type of deal. but also the unknown is scary so maybe i'd prefer just to stay cruising along at the current speed :p
If I'm being honest, I don't like this generation and I wish I wasn't born in the late 2000's. I hardly understand slang and technology. I think I would've preferred the 80's or 90's, plus it would've been cool to be around during the N64 era.