Sep 22, 2013 #1 C coolycatty123 Mayor Caramel of Moonbase Joined Jul 26, 2013 Posts 535 Bells 9,827 Feedback 100% (17) + If someone wants Cookie, then name me a price. I will only move in if I get a good enough offer for her as the most generous BitterCoffee will be giving me Francine and I only have one town, one space. ^.^ Here's a few pictures.
If someone wants Cookie, then name me a price. I will only move in if I get a good enough offer for her as the most generous BitterCoffee will be giving me Francine and I only have one town, one space. ^.^ Here's a few pictures.
Sep 22, 2013 #2 C coolycatty123 Mayor Caramel of Moonbase Joined Jul 26, 2013 Posts 535 Bells 9,827 Feedback 100% (17) + CLOSED! TIME'S UP YOU ALL MISSED HER!
Sep 22, 2013 #3 Z Zenya Senior Member Joined Sep 19, 2013 Posts 179 Bells 1,387 Feedback 71.4% (3) + It's only been half an hour? was gonna bid lol