I wish there was more ambient noises in New Horizons


Arize from Azulon
Nov 23, 2016
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Pink Moon Jellyfish
Blue Moon Jellyfish
Green Moon Jellyfish
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Dino Plush
Bee Plush
Mom's Plush
Sheep Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
Like the sound of owls hooting at night, birds chirping in the spring and summer, frogs croaking every now and then etc. And I wish ambient noise was a thing inside the houses, just like it was for Happy Home Designer! Also, imagine hearing the waves if your house was close to the beach, etc. These would all be subtle sounds that wouldn't distract at all of course, not at super high volumes like the waterfall (which I never minded, but I know a lot of people do). I think ambient sounds would just add so much to the atmosphere.
I agree! I'm in July and I suddenly realized I cicadas don't make much noise, in comparison to previous games. There are times where I SEE a cicada on a tree and I don't hear it at all. I'm not sure if it's a glitch or they did that on purpose. In New Leaf, you could hear the sounds of the ocean from inside your house if you lived by the beach. It was such a nice little detail.
i totally agree ☆
i know a lot of people have said this before, but if we could turn off the hourly music, this would be even more amazing

so u can just listen to background noise, that would be so cute 😊
this would be incredible!! personally I'm almost always playing animal crossing while watching videos/listening to music etc so it's very rare I have the sound on, but the introduction of noise like this might convince me to play more with sound on. it's not that I have anything against the hourly music, I just have other things I'd rather be listening to. I do agree they shouldn't be as loud as waterfalls though - it's a nice noise but just unnecessarily loud!
I would love more ambient noises. I like the hourly music, and the waterfall (though it is too loud when you're right by it) but bugs and birds and waves all sound like they would be awesome!
Oooh, I didn't even think about this before, but I have to agree. Soft birdsong would be just lovely! and crickets and frogs chirping in the evening!
Same, I've played BotW a lot lately and the ambient sounds in that game are soooo good. If you go to Rito Village and just stand there, you can hear so much on top of the peaceful music and it's just perfect.

Also, in ACCF I distinctly remember being able to hear the ocean waves inside your house if you lived by the beach. Does this not happen on NH?

Also yes, the NH music really detracts from the ambient sounds for me. All I can hear is the synth and the bass and drum kick. They're too heavy and protruding.
The ambient noise of Happy Home Designer would be so good in New Horizons.

Same, I've played BotW a lot lately and the ambient sounds in that game are soooo good. If you go to Rito Village and just stand there, you can hear so much on top of the peaceful music and it's just perfect.

Also, in ACCF I distinctly remember being able to hear the ocean waves inside your house if you lived by the beach. Does this not happen on NH?
I'll check it but I think this does happen in New Horizons. I know if you have your museum on the beach you can hear the waves while talking to Blathers.
Yeah, I've tried using like the frog and cicadas on my island since I like their sounds but hiding their cases are a tad difficult.

And even so, they're too quiet to hear. 😔
I couldn't remember the cicadas being quieter, but I remember being disappointed by the lack of frog noise and the lack of beach sounds in your house when it's near the beach (and I hope it's something small Nintendo addresses in an update at some point)

But crickets only really turn up in the autumn in AC, so it'd be weird hearing them but not being able to catch them.
I'm pretty sure you can hear the waves while inside your house if it's is close to the beach. I don't know how close you have to be, though. One of my rooms has a leaf campfire and the little pops and snaps it makes is relaxing.
I feel like the noise in this game is unbalanced as-is. Wind and water are very loud. If they fixed the balance of that with the music first additional sounds might be worth exploring. Sound design-wise, the game is great. All the sound effects are very authentic as promised when discussed in interviews at E3. The mixing however is not my personal favorite.
It's hard to hear the existing ambient game sounds due to not being able to turn off the in game music. It's lousy the game doesn't give us that option. But I agree, would love to have more ambient sounds (and option for no music).
Yes, I would love for this! I'm actually surprised that we don't have more of this to be honest. Overall I feel like they did such a good job with the game, that this seems like one of those small details they would have put in. Maybe they'll work on something like this later, along with an option to turn the music off. I like the music myself, but it would definitely be nice for people who don't want to listen to it.
I like those ideas. I know I enjoy hearing the wind in the trees, crickets, frogs, and cicadas in the game. It would be really nice to turn down the background music. Sometimes it seems so loud to me. I don't want the music fully gone though. The waterfalls could be toned down for sure lol.
i honestly haven’t really thought about this before but now that you mention it, i would love this! it’d be such a tiny thing but background noise would honestly make me love the game even more! :’>
I totally agree. If there’s anything I miss most in previous games it’s the music. I’m not a fan of the music in New Horizons. So having a bit of a distraction with more ambient sounds will be such a good thing for someone like me who’s not a fan of the hourly music.