ice cream cones

what type of cone

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I genuinely didn't know there were different kinds of cones, I usually prefer a bowl though, cones are fine but they can be a bit messy.
I honestly didn't knew there is anything else besides a waffle cone O.O
I don't eat ones all that often but on the rare times I do I eat cake cones. When I was a kid I used to get cake cones from Mr. Softee whenever my parents could treat us so cake cones are sort of special to me.
Gonna be honest, I don't really like ice cream, but I like ice lollies though, but if I had to pick one, I would go with a waffle cone
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I loooove waffle cones! Actually never really tried the other ones to be honest!
Bowls are fine too I guess when you're at home!
My favorite cone is milkshake. I'm not really a fan of cones on ice cream.
I usually prefer a bowl because it's less messy, but if I go with a cone I like waffle cones. I've never even heard of cake or cookie cones.
I like sugar cones because of the taste. The waffle cone tastes bland IMO
I do not have a preference. I almost always eat ice cream in a bowl as it gets messy quickly otherwise.
when you have ice cream, what type of cone do you prefer? my order of preference is waffle cone, sugar cone, cake coke.

Much prefer a bowl, less likely to become vanilla soup. But I've never heard of a sugar cone or cake cone. So, is cake cone like ice-cream cake?
I prefer bowls that way I can add some milk to it and mix it up a bit. No better way to enjoy ice cream than that.
Sugar cones are my favorite, though it's hard to go wrong with any of them.
Waffle cone is my cone of choice but I usually just eat out of a bowl and add messy toppings like chocolate syrup and whipped cream.