I'd love it if the next huge update was shadow dropped


Senior Member
Apr 29, 2017
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
The Bell Tree World Championship 2021 Patch
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
Blue Star Fragment
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Summer Shell
Blue Hybrid Rose
Love Ball
Blue Candy
Blue Hybrid Pansy
Just imagine this: Nintendo creates an update that have several gamechanging features, like the Roost and Tortimer Island returning, a new batch of villager-crafted DIY's, all sorts of of Qol changes everyone has been asking for. But here's the catch: They only show the trailer for the update 2-3 days after they released it.

Just imagine how much fun we would have uncovering the mysteries of an update like that!
I don't know anymore. I am just tired of all the predications and speculations that people always setup and it turns out to be disappointing. No disrespect to your OP and as much as I would like that to happen I don't see it happening anytime soon.
I think if there is going to be a big update to the game this year we will hear all about it at e3 in June.

That way it gets much bigger coverage and will almost certainly be enough to make a huge new wave in sales

Edit: guess it went over my head that this is just a for fun idea lol

It would be funny if they did this a few days before e3 and then at e3 explain all the requirements.

You just know dataminers would ruin it for everyone who is active online though
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That would be pretty cool. The trailers do lose all of the mysteriousness and finding the stuff out on your own. Like I remember the Festivale trailer pretty much showed you the entire gameplay for the event and it kind of spoiled what it would all be about. I already knew, because I played NL and it wasn't going to be much of a surprise for me anyway. But for newcomers and those who never played Festivale, it would had probably worked better if they mentioned it, but didn't show it in its entirety. That way players still have something to experience on their own.
I don't know anymore. I am just tired of all the predications and speculations that people always setup and it turns out to be disappointing. No disrespect to your OP and as much as I would like that to happen I don't see it happening anytime soon.
That's the point of a shadow drop: No one would ever expect it to happen, so having an update like that of a large scale would remove all the baggage of trailers you speak of - as the update came before the trailer.
The sheer chaos for the general population, the scramble to figure out details on what things were added or how they work, all content-creators trying to produce videos as fast as they can... I like how you think.

I don't think that will happen, but if it does, I'm hoping people don't harass dataminers.
The sheer chaos for the general population, the scramble to figure out details on what things were added or how they work, all content-creators trying to produce videos as fast as they can... I like how you think.

I don't think that will happen, but if it does, I'm hoping people don't harass dataminers.
I kinda have a feeling that those people who dig through the game files probably is getting tired people pressuring them. Of course when they say something or mention something they found a YouTuber will see this and be like "Oh cool new info. Gotta make a video about it" then its literally just the same speculation and hopes that it will happen.

The problem is that sometimes people will speculate that whatever is in the datamine will come to game. However, that could me just be unused coding or features meaning to say that it was supposed to be added in the game but it was left out. Its this thing with most other games when it comes out complete there are people out there who look through the games files just to see what was left out and what it could've been if it was added in. That doesn't mean to say that it will be back though so I can see why some people thinking it would come back would be wrong.
I tend to not watch the announcement trailers so every update feels like this for me. I find it more enjoyable that way.
I wish I could be more like that! I don't like spoilers but I find it so hard not to watch if I notice there's a trailer coming out! I guess I'm just afraid I will not discover certain things and miss out or something lol

But I love the idea of a shadow drop haha! Seems like a great way to satisfy the need for updates whilst doing it in a slightly rebellious way. Also it would be great because I wouldn't have to actively try to avoid seeing spoilers haha
I wish I could be more like that! I don't like spoilers but I find it so hard not to watch if I notice there's a trailer coming out! I guess I'm just afraid I will not discover certain things and miss out or something lol
I also put off watching any trailers for Animal Crossing: New Horizons until several days before the game come out. I avoid the hype so I can't be disappointed.
I do miss the old days where a new update feels like exploring the wild west. Now trailers and even patch notes pretty much reveal everything. I'd love if they just shadow drop a huge update. It would give a new sense of wonder, that is until datamines reveal everything in the hour it's release haha.
Hopefully you didn't mean that sarcastically. :ROFLMAO:
Not sarcastic at all. I remember watching people playing the game on release and all of them trying to figure why the old flower breeding techniques weren't working, figuring how the crafting mechanics worked, trying to do Tarantula Islands...

The "good" chaos coming from that era was great! A shadow drop could bring back that special kind of fun back- that feeling has been replicated to some extent when things like pumpkins, haunted art and the fix of visitor schedule dropped, but taking that up to 11 would be nice.
you mean how fast the datamined info would circulate on news sites?
I mean... Yes, dataminers exist, but at least we can ignore them. With trailers, they're extremely hard to ignore, as they tend to spread info to almost everyone on social media - So everyone and their Isabelle will just gossip and speculate what will be in a trailered update to death to remove all the wonder.

Also, sometimes I wonder if they could make the games mine-proof, in a way that only players themselves can discover the mysteries of the game. It would get rid of a lot of issues of people trying to ruin the sense of mystery in the game.
I mean, I doubt it'd happen, but it would be nice! TBH, the only time I can think of anything like that happening (in a game I've played) was when I saw a random Sims 4 update and got excited, but then thought "Nah, it's probably just bug fixes" only to go to the website and see it was the introduction of toddlers, which were a HUGE deal for that game, lol. They could've easily drummed up a ton of hype before the fact... but nope. Just BOOM- toddlers! Out of nowhere!

Sorry for my rambling, lol. This just reminded me of how exciting that was! But, anyway, as much as I'd love a surprise update, I'm not gonna get my hopes up. My preferred method of dealing with this game is to get excited for what I KNOW is coming. That way I'm never disappointed, and any bonus stuff is just an awesome surprise! Like, I got myself excited about Sanrio items... and then extra design slots get slipped in? SWEET! I'm left happy about what we got, excited by a surprise, and not disappointed over things I had hoped (but didn't know) were coming.
I do miss the old days where a new update feels like exploring the wild west. Now trailers and even patch notes pretty much reveal everything. I'd love if they just shadow drop a huge update. It would give a new sense of wonder, that is until datamines reveal everything in the hour it's release haha.
That made me realize when I booted up NL after the WA update. I didn't know what to expect, but I had heard rumors over the months about some kind of huge update. I downloaded the update and didn't know what to expect or where to look (I also wasn't looking online for any information) and I was ran into a boulder and my villager hopped on it. That was such a cool surprise. The pioneers used to drive these babies everywhere.
Ahh, interesting idea, but I’m a little bit on the fence about this... for one, I would like to know exactly what the new updates are so I don’t miss the opportunity to explore each one when I want to see the full scope of things. Plus, currently we see that a lot of the times nintendo haven’t even dropped the updates yet, and people already starts to speculate based on discoveries from data mining or sometimes rumors, so I don’t know exactly know how this could be executed. That said, I agree that sometimes there’s a different kind of excitement when you dive into something without knowing. So the way I’ve been dealing with it is that I refrain from watching the updates and reading the spoiler posts as much as possible until I load into the game and play for a little bit. After experiencing the update for a bit in game, then I go back to watch the trailers to see if there are others that I may have missed...