If handling 10 or 15 villagers is handful then imagine 108?

Buster Bunny

Senior Member
Apr 4, 2016
I was thinking about how we should handle our villagers in Animal Crossing series which have a total of 10 villagers (New Leaf) or 15 (GCN).

Then, I remembered that one game which you must get the trust of 108 characters and build a castle surrounded by a town.

Can you imagine how things could be troublesome if we could get 108 villagers or even more?

Specially with multiple villagers plotted in bad spots and it would be difficult to catch up with them all.
108 would be just too much. Heck, anything over 20 would be too much of a hassle. Just imagine trying to note down the gifts of 108 villagers for Toy Day! I hope the next game (after the mobile game) has around 15 or 20 villagers, but no more than the latter. I was kinda disappointed how there's only 9 (10 if you used campsite) villagers in New Leaf. At least having 108 villagers would mean I could have all of my dream villagers in the same town.