For me, it's a mix of ignore them and confront them. In my experience when you ignore someone that only makes them do it more. I know that confronting them can also make it worse, but that hasn't happened for me yet. It's prob the vibe I give off. I'm short and shy, so I don't really talk back to people. When they see me talk back then they stop teasing me.
If it's online (which hasn't happened for me yet) then I just block. I don't waste my time engaging with them. Ifc if they think blocking them means they win, which is a stupid thing anyway. Blocking them means I win cause they'll no longer be able to tease me in my posts.
I would ignore them. And as I’m getting older, things like that bother me less (I’m 27). But when I was a kid I was made fun of a lot in school. I ignored it, pretend everything’s okay, didn’t tell anybody about it, and would just go home and cry in my room.
I usually ignore, unless it's a repeated offense, then I show them being kind doesn't mean I don't have a spine. I love how people see kindness as a weakness. Nah bro, you immediately resorting to being a rude bitter old fart is the weakness. You didn't even bother trying to be the better person.
in the past, i wouldn’t hesitate to retaliate. it definitely wasn’t the best way to respond but i honestly don’t handle being made fun of very well and wasn’t sure what else to do, as ignoring them would lead to a buildup of anger and resentment that would eventually come out anyway, and i couldn’t tell an adult as most of the time, the person making fun of me was an adult. i now try my best to ignore it and to not take anything that’s said personally, but if the problem persists or if i’m feeling especially crabby, i’ll confront them.
I used to get really upset and sad when I was made fun of at school by the other kids. I was made fun of for being too quiet and having weird interests and mannerisms. Adults were no help, so I kept my frustrations to myself.
I'm not made fun of anymore, really. Whether it's online or IRL, if someone does say something mean or immature, I just ignore them/block them (unless they're really asking for it) I hate confrontation and making a big deal out of something. I usually just let things slide and don't really care about it anymore. But if I'm real annoyed you can bet I'll raise my voice and hold nothing back. I'm chill online but IRL I can get irritated real easily, mostly at the sheer stupidity/annoyance of people and BS at work.
This doesn't happen often anymore, but if it does it depends on what exactly they were making fun of me for and my relationship with the person. I am okay with making fun of myself and laughing at myself sometimes, so if someone I know who loves me kind of pokes fun of me in a harmless way I can laugh along with them. If they are being disrespectful and crossing a line into actually putting me down and I feel there was malicious intent, I will call them out on it so they know it is not okay. If they minimize my feelings, call me sensitive and/or don't own up to their wrongdoing, I have no problems removing them from my life and never speaking with them again. I will not make time for anyone who doesn't treat me with respect anymore.
though i've never been a target. if someone is taking shots at people generally it's me and i'm not that nice, but i am super cute and a flawless english teacher