• And we're back! Mushroom Season continues on The Bell Tree with an all-new mysterious set of Foraged Mushrooms. Good luck foraging and identifying!

If you could be immortal, would you?


OK, it's giving Jealousy
Oct 14, 2020
Sautéed Mushrooms
Unfortunate Mushroom
Unfortunate Mushroom
Unfortunate Mushroom
Unfortunate Mushroom
Blue Train Engine
Sleek Train Car
Cute Train Car
Floral Train Car
Yellow Caboose
Ghostly Kitty Plush
In a sense of you would never die, stop aging and live forever. I got the idea/question from writing my novel because a huge part of it is the consequences of being immortal.

So if you had an option to be immortal, would you? I'm not quite sure if I would. There's alot too loose, but there's a few positives.
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No way. One life is probably enough. Plus, I think it would be horrible to see everyone around you die, and you can’t go with them. There’s some pros to immortality, but I feel like the cons outweigh them.
I wouldn't want to be immortal immortal, i mean think about it, even the heat death of the universe wouldn't kill you, that would be crazy

If i could stay young and healthy I wouldn't mind being around for another few centuries at least
I'd enjoy being able to live for a few thousand years, but forever is something I'd rather pass on. Unless I became a cyborg or had my consciousness stored in a computer in the distant future I'd have to deal with seeing humans evolve and I wouldn't be able to catch up cognitively. I don't like the thought of being around to see the Earth consumed by the Sun in five billion years or the end of the universe itself long after that. Existentially it would be very disturbing.
I've actually thought about this quite a bit since I'm heavily interested in vampire lore and no, I definitely wouldn't choose immortality. Even if I would be young forever, even if I had the ability to turn my closest loved ones immortal too, and even if I were independently wealthy so I never had to work again, I still know that life would be too overwhelming at times and after centuries of dealing with the ups and downs without any end in sight, I'm absolutely certain I would regret it.
I'd like to be. I hate to think all of this living is for nothing. I know immortality is impossible, so I try to make the most of life while I'm here.
Depends. Can I become my immortal OC? If yes, then I'd accept with zero hesitation. Otherwise, I wouldn't.