If you could be immortal, would you?

That depends. Am I mutually madly in love with a cute vampire? If yes then heck yeah let's go!!

Otherwise I'm gonna say no, I think it'd cause more problems than it would solve and wind up just being more of a sad curse than anything. I struggle a lot with impermanence as-is and that's just gonna be like... a whole lot of that. There's plenty I'd like to do and have in my life of course, but I'm also not a terribly ambitious person and mostly just want to live comfortably and happily, and that's not the kind of goal that might need an extended lifespan. at least I sure hope not lmao Might even be detrimental to it, actually.
I can see the temptation, but to me it doesn't seem like it would be a healthy choice in the long run.
No I wouldn't accept that. Moments would feel less special and boring. Before my time comes, I want to help others as much as I can and remind them that there is still good in the world.
I don't think so, I think I would want to go when it's my time. However, if my dog could be immortal/healthy I would love that for her. 😭
Never! To see everyone that I grow to care about around me pass away all the time would be absolutely devastating! 😞
That's a difficult question. I am terrified of death and don't want it, but I feel like living forever would come with more depression and struggles than I am already having. Hmm, I don't know if I have a clear answer right now.
Sometimes I feel sad that my time in this form is limited. But There's just too many drawbacks to immortality like people stated above, so no.
Depends on the drawbacks. Am I the only immortal being? If so, probably not. But if I'm either not alone in my immortality or have the ability to grant immortality, as well as us having capable, healthy bodies, then I would go for it.

If you think you'll eventually 'do everything', your imagination isn't working hard enough. I feel like there's so much I could do with twice the lifespan I have now, and if I had seemingly no limit, then I feel like I'd have 100x more confidence to take risks and do whatever I wanted to do, because even if I fail, there's always another opportunity because there's no end.
No way. I'd hate seeing my loved ones pass on, and knowing I'd live on forever would probably end up with me closing myself off. I feel like I'd get into the mentality of not bothering to get close with anyone because I'd lose them eventually. Not to mention the mental deterioration?? It's unfathomable. 😭
The very big part of me that's terrified of death and dying wants to say yes just because immortality would take that fear and uncertainty away, but ultimately it's a no for me. A hell no, even.

I'm terrified every day of losing my loved ones, and that terror would become even worse if I was immortal, because I would know for certain that I outlive everyone and everything that I love. The amount of grief I would inevitably experience over hundreds of thousands of years would be terrible. I'm barely surviving the grief I've experienced in 3 years.

Immortality would be a little more tempting if my loved ones were immortal as well, but even then I just... don't really want to be here forever LOL. I'd definitely love if my cat and all animals were immortal and could be healthy forever, but then I'd have to be immortal as well since I wouldn't want my cat to have to live without me. 😪

I could get on board with reincarnation, though...