If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Also to whoever wanted larger butt you are free to take mine, shake those Beyonc? moves.
I would give myself better skin. I have way too many skin issues...eczema, a host of skin allergies, and acne even though I'm almost 40. I've tried over-the-counter stuff, been to a dermatologist, and tried diet and lifestyle changes. Anything that looks like it might actually work for one issue causes one of the other problems to flare up. I gave up years ago. I'm better off not wasting my money and just living the way I want to live.
I think I'd want to be better at compartmentalizing my feelings. There are a lot of important things I avoid dealing with because it's too hard to deal with the emotions it brings up, I'd love if I could just emotionally approach an issue and then deal with the feelings at a more appropriate time.
I'd honestly like it a lot if I could just remove all my insecurities about my appearance. It'd make life a lot easier.
I would give myself better skin. I have way too many skin issues...eczema, a host of skin allergies, and acne even though I'm almost 40. I've tried over-the-counter stuff, been to a dermatologist, and tried diet and lifestyle changes. Anything that looks like it might actually work for one issue causes one of the other problems to flare up. I gave up years ago. I'm better off not wasting my money and just living the way I want to live.

Hello my fellow sufferer from acne. Also acne has no age restriction. Sad but true.

Sidenote, I'm surprised I haven't seen -maybe I skipped over it- anyone say they want to change their sleep habits.