If you could date one islander, who would it be - and why?


Desperate Animal
Mar 24, 2020
New Horizons Token
After finding out that eac islander has one of 8 distinct personalities, I had to ask -

if you could take one islander out on a date, who would it be? And why?
I’m not into dating animals, but it’d have to be Merry, for sure.
O'Hare, I remember when I was like 11 I legitimately wanted to date him lmaooo

He was also the first villager I befriended to the point where he gave me his picture. Multiple times in fact

I just have a ton of nostalgia when it comes to him

He's just so sweet and cute too

I got his amiibo as well so I now have him in New Horizons, and placed his house pretty close to mine

So yea, O'Hare :)
i dont think id date an animal crossing villager, but i think the normal personality type is the type of personality i could get along with for a long time.
Probably Anicotti. She seems really sweet and like she enjoys having a lot of fun!
Quarantine is making people’s inner furry come out lol

But, Cookie. Too bad she’s a dog.