If you could date one islander, who would it be - and why?

I- what is this thread :’D

uh I wouldn’t date any of them,,, I’m not into that
This is some pretty thing ice to be walking on. But, for the fun of the thread...

If I were an ANIMAL, Skye. But as a human? Yeah, no.
Lol. This seems like it's all in good fun, so I'll go with Whitney.

Kid Cat too, maybe. He seems like boyfriend material lmao
Derwin. He's so cute lmao. This game is pulling the secret furry inside of me out. Oh boyy....

Are you all losing your minds or something?

Haha, no but if I had to choose I would say Bubbles. She's on my island currently and I have completely fallen in love wit her. :3
Teddy. He's tall, muscular and furry. I'd bounce up and down on his knees and call him Daddy for sure.
I would go with Fang, I think we have a matching cranky side, but deep down we share loyalty and kindness I feel. Plus he looks hot. I can even look past the part that he is male. True beauty trumps gender.