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If you could go back in time to any year(s) or decade(s), what would it be and why?


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For me it would be the years from 2000 to about 2012.
It's probably nostalgia speaking but in my opinion everything that was released around that time whether it was music, consoles and games, toys, and tv/movies, were much better, and I was happier.
Just overall a more wholesome time then now.
just far enough to fix my cringe years and probably come back with more respect than i have now
Probably around 2015. I just was so incident back then. I had a close knit group of friends, and life for me seemed a lot simpler than it does now. Maybe it just seemed more hectic as the years go on because I am paying more attention to the world, but I feel like the nostalgia takes me back SO HARD and I might be blinded by that.
for me it would be anytime from 2005
i recently lost my childhood dog and i'd love to go back to when she was a little puppy ♡
i have a new dog now but she's kinda crazy and aggressive lol

plus those years were so fun, me and my siblings would all enjoy the same things like pokemon, animal crossing etc but nowadays we don't really play those games together as much
i'm not really a social person and i prefer to just hang out and play games with my brother and sister but since we don't anymore i've just been kinda bored with alot of stuff

so i'd definately go back to when i was a child around 2005-2010, things were way easier ^-^
The 1940s, because I could fight in that war and help the Allies win (even though they won). But also because of inflation.

But if I’m not interested into war, the 1980s.
Back to about 2008 or 2009, I forget which year it happened, exactly. To fix exactly one big mistake I made. Lol.
I’ve honestly thought about this before and decided that I really wouldn’t want to go back in time to any particular decade. No matter how you dice it, every decade has its bad times (with a few exceptions). I wouldn’t go back to the 2000’s or 2010’s either to fix my mistakes as I believe learning from them has allowed me to grow tremendously as a person. Interesting thought experiment nonetheless.
I'm very interested in history so there are a lot of past years/events I would love to visit. My favorite past eras to visit would be the Victorian period, the Elizabethan period, and Ancient Egypt. I wouldn't want to stay, but just get to experience the era for myself and then come back because I'm well aware of the issues I would encounter in those time periods.

I wouldn't really want to go back to any past years in my own life, though. I've already lived through them and none of them were great.
I'm crying reading this thread. I realise time is very precious to all of you, and how much of it you spend with the people you care about.

I wouldn't go back. To change anything. My mom and dad raised me the best they could and losing them was the hardest thing I could endure. But they gave their time. Their love. Their hopes, to me. I've got to use mine wisely. For them.
i would go back to 2002, the year i was born. in my 18 years of life, i’ve made bad decisions and allowed bad decisions to be made for me and that’s why i’m living the life that i am. if i could go back, i’d decline my mother’s attempt at homeschooling me. i would be a lot kinder to the house cats and be gentle with the kitty who had bad anxiety that ultimately caused her death. i would be kinder to people in general and be more caring with my belongings. i also would never allow my family to do and say the things they did to me.

there’s so much that i want to do over that i can’t even focus on the future as i’m always stuck in the past ;;
There's nothing in my past that I look forward to going back to (I have accepted my dark and difficult childhood and teenage years).

If I could change one thing, it is probably where I went for my university. If only I went to the same country where my significant other's university is, we probably would've been much closer together and not in a long distance relationship. However, I wouldn't have met my wonderful friends and lecturers, so I think I will accept it the way it is :) I can always meet up with my significant other again but I will not have met my friends and lecturers had I gone to a different country for my university studies.

The butterfly effect makes time traveling in the past not worth it at all.
For general reasons, late 60s to live the hippie era, or like 90s/2000s Japan because they had the best Johnny's Entertainment era, imo.

For personal reasons, re-living my teen years would have been nice (and some early 20s) bc they were not good.
I would love nothing more than to have a second chance at the 2000s decade. When medical issues hit me right out of high school, I did not handle them well at all. I'd give anything to have a second chance at that.

Also in the mid 2000s I was a mess. I was super depressing and loved to stir up drama. It would be nice to go back and be a more pleasant person to everyone. Of course, it would also be great to go back and spend time with the pets and family members that have been lost in that decade and afterward.
I'd go back to the day I left behind a Neopet plushie at a hotel we were staying at. I know it's dumb, but this has been bothering me for my entire life since then. I just want my Blue Wocky plushie clip back.
It depends if I can travel back. If not, I would rather just stay in our current time. Though right now certainly has problems, assuming we don't end up destroying ourselves we might be close to life-extension technology. Going back in time would make it less likely we discover it within my lifetime.

If I can go back to the present afterward, I would go anywhere around 100 AD. That way I get to see the height of the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty, some of the most influential civilizations in history. I find that time in history fascinating and there's so much we'll probably never know about it. If there was evidence that I actually time travelled, that would be one of the biggest contributions to history, a living primary source from millennia ago. Even if no one believed me, I would still want to go, just to know for myself.

Other good places to go might be the Bronze Age Collapse (what even happened there?), and the Jurassic Period (can I bring home a sauropod?).