If you could have a second Island


old movie aficionado
Aug 30, 2018
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
White Cosmos
Orange (Fruit)
Yellow Cosmos
Red Candy
Pear (Fruit)
Recently I've been a bit tempted to get a switch lite for the sole purpose of having a second island. However, cannot quite justify the purchase! But it has had me thinking about the possibilities of a second island. I've seen videos recently of a "challenge" where people don't do any terraforming at all. It reminds me of New Leaf, and I think it would be fun and relaxing to play the game that way! I also think that making an island based on the original club penguin would be so much fun.

What would you do if you were able to have a second island? Would you make it set to the opposite hemisphere your current island is? What kind of theme would you create on it? Or would you not want one at all?
I have a second island.

Its in the same hemisphere as me.
I've made it a themed island.

Normally I would not want to play within such strict guidelines and just do as I feel like.
But having a second island allows me to do such things. As after all, it's not my first and main island. What happens there doesn't matter too much. It gives me more freedom to just mess around as I see fit.

I'm enjoying my time on it, but my daily play of the game is still a majority on my main island.
I have no interest in playing a second island. The way I see it, it would be for playing the exact same game, catching the same bugs, same fish, everything. Not worth the price tag of a second switch. If I don't like my current island or if I suddenly want to play differently, I'll either alter my play style, or just start over
I don’t have any interest to have a second island. I can barely keep up with my first island, haha. The only parts of my main island that I consider complete are the hockey rink and a hotel I designed. My island is in the Southern Hemisphere, and I wouldn’t change that. Although I do not live in the Southern Hemisphere, that’s what I chose for my island.
I have a second island. It’s a very relaxed island, I don’t play in it every day and there’s no particular theme. I don’t grind for achievements or the Critterpedia and I do minimal terraforming. It’s lovely to experience the laid back early game vibes without resetting my main island again and it’s great to have the extra storage and villager slots. If I do ever reset my main island I will be able to keep my dreamies. So for me the second Switch and game was absolutely worth it.
I have enough trouble trying to keep up with my main island, so I don’t see myself getting a second, but there has been quite a few times where I thought about doing one to use as a island to open up a shop or something. You know, to help with getting more tbt here. 🙂
man, i would absolutely love to have a second island, but i’ve been resisting the urge since i know that buying another switch and copy of the game probably wouldn’t be the wisest financial decision for me.

...that hasn’t stopped me from coming up with some plans and ideas, though lol.

my ideas are essentially just what my island rep’s name would be, a list of potential island names and a slowly growing collection of spare genuine art i’ve set aside just in case i ever do have a second island, but i’ve been largely considering a winter/christmas theme of sorts. i’m not sure if i’d stick with that theme or go with something else if i had the opportunity, but i have a few ideas for it written down in my notes app regardless. :’)
If I had another island I would love to make it a different hemisphere so I wouldn't have to time travel all the time to finish collecting my bugs and fish sections in the museum.
man, i would absolutely love to have a second island, but i’ve been resisting the urge since i know that buying another switch and copy of the game probably wouldn’t be the wisest financial decision for me.

...that hasn’t stopped me from coming up with some plans and ideas, though lol.

my ideas are essentially just what my island rep’s name would be, a list of potential island names and a slowly growing collection of spare genuine art i’ve set aside just in case i ever do have a second island, but i’ve been largely considering a winter/christmas theme of sorts. i’m not sure if i’d stick with that theme or go with something else if i had the opportunity, but i have a few ideas for it written down in my notes app regardless. :’)
Haha same! I also think it would be so much fun to have a second island set in winter! I love Christmas so it would be nice to have someplace a little bit festive to work on all year long.
I would love a second island! I thought about buying a second switch 😂 I want to make an urban theme so bad but don't want to give up my original island. I would also set it to the same hemisphere.
I am nowhere near finished with my current island to even begin thinking about starting another island. Although it would be nice to have two islands in different hemispheres, i'm not sure if i could manage both of them. If i do decide to do a secod island, I already chose the opposite hemisphere for my current island so I would choose Northern Hemisphere for the second island which is the Hemisphere I live in.
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Seeing as my island is My Hero Academia-themed, I'd probably just make it Black Clover-themed and try to make it look like the Clover Kingdom. :LOL:

Don't think I'll be buying a second Switch anytime soon though.
What would you do if you were able to have a second island? Would you make it set to the opposite hemisphere your current island is?

I do have a second island and I struggled with this one. While having one of each hemisphere sounds great on paper, I feel like it's better to keep my IRL hemisphere since it's what I am most use to, and if I ever end up liking one town more than the other, I wouldn't need to worry. I think it comes down to personal preference. It does have its benefits to own 1 of each. Plus, you'll get to experience a summer Christmas and New Years (or vice-versa).

If you can start the game on both Switches at the same time, you can move a player on your main island to be the Island Rep on the new Switch. This will give you day 1 access to terraforming. I know you said you probably wouldn't use it, but if you do decide to use it, you won't have to wait for 3-stars. This can be very helpful in the beginning when you need to place the museum, shop, 3 houses, and the free bridge.
As tempting as it would be in order to have more villagers, I just can’t get my head around another island. I love my island, and don’t feel the need for a second.

What I wish is for Nintendo to get going on larger content drops that add new NPCs/villagers to alleviate the need for more warm bodies on my half-full island.:)
I'm on the lookout for a used switch lite (my main one is a coral lite) so I can get a 2nd island for a cheaper price. I need to make an all pigs island! I got plans lol. I'm making a list of the pig villagers I want & manifesting this to the universe 🐷

Idk if I'll set it in a different hemisphere though, I do like the weather being similar to real life so prob will just keep it the same on northern. But I prob will tt like crazy with the 2nd island & not be bothered by the nook miles accomplishments nor build the museum (I love Blathers' tent).
A second island would be so fun! I think I'd do a theme I wanted to do on my main island before I chose garden village in a sense. Got loads of Zen theme stuff bc I was halfway through doing it. Different hemisphere does sound fun tbh so I would try that, just prob wouldn't try as hard to complete all the museum stuff and focus on that in the main island!
I've definitely thought about making a second island, but I find that I still enjoy my current island––thankfully, 'cause I really don't want to invest in another Switch console if I can avoid it! Plus, I'm not sure if I have the motivation to work on a whole new island any time soon. A little while back, I made several villager wish lists on VillagerDB around island themes I like. But I feel like that was mainly due to impulse and burnout at the time, so any of them could change at any point, haha... And like others have said, I can always just flatten or reset my current island if I really wanna do something different later on.
I do have a second island and I struggled with this one. While having one of each hemisphere sounds great on paper, I feel like it's better to keep my IRL hemisphere since it's what I am most use to, and if I ever end up liking one town more than the other, I wouldn't need to worry. I think it comes down to personal preference. It does have its benefits to own 1 of each. Plus, you'll get to experience a summer Christmas and New Years (or vice-versa).

If you can start the game on both Switches at the same time, you can move a player on your main island to be the Island Rep on the new Switch. This will give you day 1 access to terraforming. I know you said you probably wouldn't use it, but if you do decide to use it, you won't have to wait for 3-stars. This can be very helpful in the beginning when you need to place the museum, shop, 3 houses, and the free bridge.
Yes, I agree! It is definitely a tricky decision. On one hand, it would be fun to have the opposite hemisphere to visit, but if you end up wanting to put more time into the second island it might feel weird. I still might, just to be able to see the holidays with different seasons. Thank you so much for the tip! It would be awesome to be able to terraform at the beginning before setting things down if I do end up terraforming a second island... If I even end up having a second island 😂