If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

There’s a lot that I would want but wouldn’t work in real life. Like, realistically, you wouldn’t be able to use flight to its fullest extent because if you fly too high, you’ll become Icarus or die because the air pressure is too much. But if I wasn’t using real world logic, I think I would want teleportation. It would be so amazing to get to sleep for two hours longer and just teleport to school when I’m ready, and then leave school the second the bell rings. I also always forget things at home or school, or at least feel like I forget things, this would help with that a lot. And who needs to run fast with super speed when you can just teleport to your destination? Time traveling would also be great, and so would flight, and also, one that’s not really talked about a lot is the ability to make things out of thin air. That could be extremely broken.
Ohhh to be able to fly!!!! That’s always been mine!!!! Go figure, I was born with a “super power”. Extreme heightened sense of smell. Honestly, it kinda sux a lot of the time as it leads to a lot of headaches. I lost it for a bit when I had Covid and then again a couple of months ago when I had an upper respiratory & sinus infection.
I'd love to be able to stop time while continuing to be able to interact with the world. Imagine how powerful that could be! I could technically live for as long as I wanted without being immortal and do anything without getting caught- what more could you want? For instance, it could be used to sneak onto a plane and travel anywhere for free, sight see and then go home without facing any consequences or regrets >:D