if you could learn any instrument with ease, which instrument would you choose?

I have always wanted to learn how to play the piano and the drums. Both instruments have been of great interest since I was very small. My fiance plays drums, and I am going to get an electric kit in the fall and he's going to teach me drums, so that's exciting!
I mean, my ideal would be to be able to very easily learn to use a DAW, but since that's maybe not a classic instrument, probably bass.
I know how to play the mandolin so I'll skip any string instruments in favour of the tenor saxophone. Just a cool, jazzy instrument that's fun to play and listen to.
Piano. I always had a hard time with Piano, I can;t really grasp the instrument to learn. I know a bit of guitar and bass tho.
I'm not a musically inclined person, but if I were it'd be either the electric guitar, bass guitar, violin or maybe saxophone. I love metal, classical and jazz music.
Violin definitely! It looks elegant, it sounds absolutely beautiful and it's just super extra which is basically me tbh.

It's so hard though I tried playing it multiple times and I have a big admiration for the professional players!
I mean I've learned a fair amount of my dream instruments, both bassoon and oboe. Next in line would be saxophone, bass clarinet, recorder, and some early winds (like crumhorn, cornamuse, etc.). With the early winds, I'd probably just have to own them. I got to play a crumhorn a couple of years back and it had similar fingerings to oboe (if that makes sense?).

Saxophone and bass clarinet I both have but haven't learned yet. I could have played either of them in community band my last semester, but I chickened out and played the familiar bassoon instead. Recorder, well, I got a tenor recorder and it is a beautiful instrument, but like the early winds (which it is one itself, I suppose) it doesn't have the keys and everything to help make playing it more accessible.

I actually am in a situation where I can learn any instrument because as a Music Education student we can take a class in any instrument for credit. I have already learned trumpet, clarinet, oboe, flute and violin because of this (I'm not super great at any of them, but I mean, I passed the classes :p). One I haven't taken yet that I would LOVE to take is cello because it sounds beautiful, but it never fits into my schedule. It would probably be a struggle for me too because it's so large and I'm tiny.

So how did you feel about oboe? At the university I graduated from last year, the music education students came to me the semester of Woodwind Methods and constantly told me how much they hated the instrument, wondering how I could play it, and one even wanted me to teach her lessons. Lol.
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A clich?, but guitar. It seems so relaxing, and it's compatible with so many instruments - and I've for some reason always wanted to learn the guitar since I was a child, though never pursued it (kinda gave up that tiny dream). Still admire it though!
the accordion! its such a neat instrument to me that id love to learn and play very odd covers on it
Either the violin, piano, electric guitar or drums. But the electric guitar the most. That's like my dream.
You should all follow ur dreams! learn to play that instrument! There's cheap options for beginners to get into it.... Right now I'm learning guitar, so I wish it will go easily.... and my poor fingers.... recover quickly!

I used to sing as a child but (girls voice crack and mature too) since I stopped my vocal range changed and it's difficult to sing with the old technique. I wish i could more easily get back into it. I think I will try at some point, as instead of a soprano I'm now mezzo soprano, and some of my favourite arias are mezzo soprano range.
the accordion! its such a neat instrument to me that id love to learn and play very odd covers on it

Well that's funny, New Leaf has a lot of accordion in its soundtrack so you could do some really neat covers :D
Piano because its more likely to find sheet music for songs I like and there's just a lot of different ways to play songs and sounds pretty

I have an ukulele that I asked for on my birthday... I should really play it hahaaaaaaaaaaa
also used to play the flute but I get too exhausted playing it

The music it makes can be so soothing and beautiful. Piano is just my dream.