if you could learn any instrument with ease, which instrument would you choose?

This might seem like a rather odd choice, however, I love the sound of an accordion! I don't know what exactly I like so much about it, but it may be the liveliness and unique sound.
I mean, technically your own voice is an instrument right? I'd really like to be able to sing! But my voice is the worst thing on earth ._.

Strictly speaking though, I'd like to be able to play the guitar or piano!

I probably could learn to play it but I just don't have the patience. I already play guitar, so like after an hour of trying piano I've always been like "screw this, I can just play the damn song on guitar instead".
Piano. I know a pretty fair majority of instruments, but I’m self taught in almost all. While I can do 1 hand on piano decently, I cannot for the life of me play with 2 hands simultaneously. I want to be able to do that. That is one of my very few goals. (I don’t try though that’s most likely my major issue but it’d be nice if it was easier, ya know?)
Saxophone, but only for the ability to play the riff to Careless Whisper at inappropriate times
The piano, harp and the flute. I really love the flute and I would so love to play it. Whenever I hear a song with the flute in it, I get really excited. A long time ago I even bought a cheap plastic flute from the dollar store to see if I could play it, but unfortunately never did.
the marimba. it just looks like so much fun to play. and you get to hit stuff!
Ive been wanting to learn how to play this chinese instrument called guzheng. One of my friends when I was like 8 years old was learning it and I wanted to learn it too! I really want to learn it in the future ^^
Piano! It sounds so beautiful!
I think I'd learn the guitar. I know, that's kind of a cliche answer, but y'know...
I'm a tuba player by heart, but I've always wanted to play the organ, such an amazing sound out of it
The piano! It sounds beautiful on its own, but I really love the fact that it can also function as an accompaniment to other instruments to make beautiful melodies.