If you could take 1 villager personality out the game, which one would you choose?

if you could take 1 villager personality out the game, which one would you choose?

  • normal

  • lazy

  • jock

  • Uchi/sisterly

  • smug

  • peppy

  • snooty

  • Cranky

Results are only viewable after voting.

King koopa

🥞Are those pancakes?! 🥞
Aug 16, 2020
Galaxolotl Star Fragment
International Space Cetacean Star Fragment
Galaxy Swirl
Red Star Fragment
Gold Moon Jellyfish
Similar to my other thread, which villager would you want removed from the game, now, it's the same question, but with villager personalities. Everyone has villagers they like and they don't like. But sometimes you hate a villager so much you want their personalities out of the game. For me it's a tie between jocks and lazy. Jocks are all about muscle and abs. That might seem fine on paper, but when that's really all jocks talk about, it can get annoying really fast. Like, if I have to hear about abs this and muscles that, I might just scream! That's how I feel about lazy villagers too. All they talk about is bugs, and I won't say all, but at least half of the villagers who are lazy look ugly both to me and lots of others, take barold for example.
So what villager personality would you take out the game?
I chose Jock. Even though Cranky and Snooty were super watered down, and Peppy got weird, they still at least have the ability to form more dynamic conversations with the players. All Jocks do most of the time is talk about their muscles and it's so annoying.
I personally wouldn’t want any removed since I think the more different personalities there are, even if I don’t like them, adds flavor to the game.

I wouldn’t mind if they made them not gender specific and made the personalities based less on stereotypes (it doesn’t bother me that they are since i realize this is a game and i don’t think they are trying to actively promote stereotyping, but it might bother others. Also personalities that actually reflect personalities in RL would make it more interesting probably like introvert/shy, artistic, studious…

But if I had to pick, I guess I’d say uchi. I think the way they talk is a bit odd and sometimes annoying (or maybe it is the vibe). I haven’t had an uchi for long or hung out with them much. I do want to since I feel like it may be because I haven’t bonded with any much and I would like to understand them better and not dislike them even though I know it is okay to dislike some of the villager types and villagers.
Honestly, I think as @Dunquixote mentioned there are already a limited number of personalities in game so probably don’t want get rid of any realistically, but I dislike the cranky personality. I don’t really like ‘old’ as a defining characteristic, and for whatever reason the low voices just always sound wrong to me, especially compared to the cute voices of the other villagers. A lot of the cranky designs are really excellent though, so I would not want those to go away…

I expected to dislike the jocks, because I am like an anti-jock irl (sometimes I describe myself as an ‘indoor person’ - I’m pretty much a normal villager lol) but they are actually just so sweet and dorky and ridiculous that I cannot help but love them. And I like a lot of their designs!

Side note, probably only interesting to me, but the personalities really do make more sense in Japanese, where they each have a very specific way of talking - not just topics, but in the actual way they talk - especially the first person pronoun (the way they say ‘I’) and verb/ sentence endings. Japanese is a pretty gendered language as well, which is why it would be hard to have any female lazies, for example- in Japanese it would have to be completely different dialogue. Also the uchi villagers speak in a regional dialect which is why they made their speech kind of slangy and odd.

Anyway, sorry for getting off track.

TL; DR - jocks are great, don’t want to get rid of anyone, but if we had to I’d choose cranky.
I want to see how people voted, but I don't want to vote for any of them. 😭

I don't want to remove any personality types; I think the variety is good. I have found that I've unintentionally gravitated towards almost entirely normal/peppy villagers, but my two favourite villagers (Agnes and Louie) are sisterly and jock respectively. 🤷‍♀️🥰
I would say lazy, but only because of how grungy they made them. I would rather that part be removed and the lazy personality be redone then a full blown removal.
Normals because they're boring.
I find them too mopey, their book choices are probably found in the 75% off to free section and they can be strangely passive aggressive.

I don't care about what book they're reading! "I'm reading how to gently brush your cactus!" Great.
i voted for three because i couldn't really pick... but lazy, jock, or uchi.
lazy because of how gross they got this time around... i used to really love lazy villagers, but now they're really... not awesome : (
cranky for similar reasons. i just don't like how they are this time around.
and uchi because... idk, i just don't really particularly like that personality type (the couple i have on my 'wishlist' are because my partner likes them)

but truth be told i wouldn't really remove any of them; i'd rather just... see them wiped clean and started over, i guess?

i have to say, i'm really sad to see how many people voted for jock! they're one of my favorites. i love how enthusiastic they are <3 <3
I guess I would go with Jock. The only villager under that category that I ever liked was Ribbot.
However the clothing and accessories he would wear as a jock made me hate him when he was on my town. It was such a disappointment, because I really liked his design. He would would wear these hideous sporty shades. Big NO for me. It ruined his whole design.
I guess I would go with Jock. The only villager under that category that I ever liked was Ribbot.
However the clothing and accessories he would wear as a jock made me hate him when he was on my town. It was such a disappointment, because I really liked his design. He would would wear these hideous sporty shades. Big NO for me. It ruined his whole design.

Those shades are the worst. I don't like Audie's shades either.
Jock personality and Lazy personality both desperately need to be more varied, it's ridiculous. Also, while I understand the bugs when it comes to Lazies is to imply they're too lazy to clean and they have bugs in the house, I hate the obsession with them. And I'm a person who loves bugs.

That said, I'd still say jock, because, like. All the robots are jocks. Very annoying hearing them brag about muscles.........
Jock personality and Lazy personality both desperately need to be more varied, it's ridiculous.
I mentioned this in another thread, but I will say it again here. The original Animal Crossing on gamecube had more dialogue to the villagers than the more recent AC games. I know that villagers don't always talk the same way as each other, but they can still be their personality and still have more to say that makes them feel like an actual person talking to you in a way that feels real. Thats what made the original so likable, they can still talk about other stuff while at the same time still keeping up with their personality.

I know people get tired when I say this but I'm sorry the dialogue in New Horizions is just not as good. The personalities to me just feel like they are forced to only say things about themselves rather than talking about different topics. Like you mentioned before they need to be more varied. Here's the problem with the personalities right now. Jocks only talk about muscles, Lazies talk food and bugs, Snootys talk about their fashion/looks, Peppy only seems to talk about about being famous and a pop star (seriously every Peppy villager I've saw all said they want to be pop stars), Crankys they do sometimes talk different things, but only when they are in a grumpy mood and want to prattle on the good old days. Smugs care about how smart they are and too shy to admit when they are being silly, Sisterly tends to act the same way as Smugs but come off a bit cranky sometimes. and Normals (even though they are my favorite) they are always too shy and I see them talking about washing their clothes all the time.

With all due respect I know villagers do say different things sometimes but it just depends on the RNG in New Horizions whenever you want to get the dialogue that you want them to talk about otherwise everyday you get the same conversations about clothing, seeing the same questions you answered many times, and of course only talking the same thing about themselves based on the personality.
sisterly's my least favorite but i probably still wouldn't remove them.

i think either there needs to be more sisterly villagers or move some villagers over from the other personalities. i don't vibe with most of their designs at all and i would kill for a sisterly wolf, alligator, bird, elephant, or eagle tbh...
I mentioned this in another thread, but I will say it again here. The original Animal Crossing on gamecube had more dialogue to the villagers than the more recent AC games. I know that villagers don't always talk the same way as each other, but they can still be their personality and still have more to say that makes them feel like an actual person talking to you in a way that feels real. Thats what made the original so likable, they can still talk about other stuff while at the same time still keeping up with their personality.

I know people get tired when I say this but I'm sorry the dialogue in New Horizions is just not as good. The personalities to me just feel like they are forced to only say things about themselves rather than talking about different topics. Like you mentioned before they need to be more varied. Here's the problem with the personalities right now. Jocks only talk about muscles, Lazies talk food and bugs, Snootys talk about their fashion/looks, Peppy only seems to talk about about being famous and a pop star (seriously every Peppy villager I've saw all said they want to be pop stars), Crankys they do sometimes talk different things, but only when they are in a grumpy mood and want to prattle on the good old days. Smugs care about how smart they are and too shy to admit when they are being silly, Sisterly tends to act the same way as Smugs but come off a bit cranky sometimes. and Normals (even though they are my favorite) they are always too shy and I see them talking about washing their clothes all the time.

With all due respect I know villagers do say different things sometimes but it just depends on the RNG in New Horizions whenever you want to get the dialogue that you want them to talk about otherwise everyday you get the same conversations about clothing, seeing the same questions you answered many times, and of course only talking the same thing about themselves based on the personality.

I have heard the past games had more dialogue, but I have never actually seen any facts on the relative amounts and variations of dialogue across the games. Since there were less villagers did some of them have unique lines of dialogue not shared by their type programmed in? That would get to be a lot fast, but I suppose it could be possible?

it seems, from what I have found through cursory searches, that the dialogue has always run based on dialogue trees and randomization with each personality type having it’s own set of dialogue options. It is hard to believe the mechanism on the original game would have been more complex, given that video game systems run on much more processing power than they did in the past. But it is possible that due to the gameplay being simpler in the game cube game and Wild World game that more unique lines of dialogue were included. I have simply never seen any side by side comparison, or even many examples to show the differences. (I realize it is hard to show examples of amount of dialogue)

I have heard that villagers in the past games were more rude, which some people find to be more interesting, though personally I do not like to equate meanness to uniqueness. I have also heard that this was a feature only in the translation/ localization of the game in the US (I am not sure how the other translations were) and that in the original Japanese they were more similar to the speaking style of the more recent games (this makes sense to me, translations and adaptation of children’s media generally has moved in this direction. The original 3 Harry Potter book in the us were technically translated to American English, while later books had far fewer changes made.) I am not sure if this is confirmed or not and do not remember the original source.

in part my questions about this view stem from 1- seeing how very opposite opinions on new leaf and new horizons dialogue is (which implies to me both views are based on opinion), though as a counterpoint, the general consensus seems to favor Wild World’s dialogue. 2 - the difference between experiencing something for the first time as a child and experiencing something as an adult trying to recreate and experience. Since the average age on this forum is somewhere in the mid twenties, many probably experienced the early games at a stage of childhood when they were much less critically approaching media. 3- the fact that there were only 6 personality types in the game so logically it would seem like there would be less personality dialogue . (That doesn’t mean there could not have been more lines of dialogue for each of the lower number of types, and perhaps that is part of the difference)

none of this is to say the argument I have cited is incorrect. I just see this kind of complaint a lot (Roxas is just expressing what seems to be the popular viewpoint so I do not want to make him feel like I am specifically arguing with him), but I have never seen any actual examples of like…what made it so much better, how much more was there, and how did the mechanic work if it was superior and why did it change and how?

TL;DR - I hope I don’t offend anyone! I am so curious where this info comes from, interested in knowing more, but not trying to call out anyone for disliking the dialogue for any reason at all, as it generally comes down to a matter of opinion, and all are welcome.

sorry to wander off topic and for so long, I am just interested in these comparisons as someone who did not play the previous games.
I have nothing against the uchi personality, in fact I think they’re pretty fun to have around. However, none of their designs really appeal much to me and since we’re only allowed to keep 10 villagers in the island, I just use the uchi villagers and let them go once I get every reaction and diy I need from them. It’s sad but there’s so many cute villagers I want on my island and I have no space for any of them. Besides, we’ve been playing the franchise for so long without the uchi villagers so I’m used to not having them around.
I don't necessarily want to remove a personality, but I really, really have a thing against the lazy personality in this game (which was previously one of my favourites) and wish they were more like the previous games. The NH lazies are disgusting, ridiculous, and it's impossible to have an actual normal, intelligent conversation with one because they don't seem to be in possession of a single brain cell. I ended up letting my favourite lazy villager move out for the first time ever because I didn't like talking to him or reading his letters since so much of it was way over the top, to the point where it seems to be written with the main intent of being shared on social media. Plus I don't like bugs or gross stuff and I don't want to visit a house which is apparently crawling with bugs. :P

On the other hand, I actually like the jocks; they might be one of my favourites in NH!

I have heard the past games had more dialogue, but I have never actually seen any facts on the relative amounts and variations of dialogue across the games. Since there were less villagers did some of them have unique lines of dialogue not shared by their type programmed in? That would get to be a lot fast, but I suppose it could be possible?

it seems, from what I have found through cursory searches, that the dialogue has always run based on dialogue trees and randomization with each personality type having it’s own set of dialogue options. It is hard to believe the mechanism on the original game would have been more complex, given that video game systems run on much more processing power than they did in the past. But it is possible that due to the gameplay being simpler in the game cube game and Wild World game that more unique lines of dialogue were included. I have simply never seen any side by side comparison, or even many examples to show the differences. (I realize it is hard to show examples of amount of dialogue)

I have heard that villagers in the past games were more rude, which some people find to be more interesting, though personally I do not like to equate meanness to uniqueness. I have also heard that this was a feature only in the translation/ localization of the game in the US (I am not sure how the other translations were) and that in the original Japanese they were more similar to the speaking style of the more recent games (this makes sense to me, translations and adaptation of children’s media generally has moved in this direction. The original 3 Harry Potter book in the us were technically translated to American English, while later books had far fewer changes made.) I am not sure if this is confirmed or not and do not remember the original source.

in part my questions about this view stem from 1- seeing how very opposite opinions on new leaf and new horizons dialogue is (which implies to me both views are based on opinion), though as a counterpoint, the general consensus seems to favor Wild World’s dialogue. 2 - the difference between experiencing something for the first time as a child and experiencing something as an adult trying to recreate and experience. Since the average age on this forum is somewhere in the mid twenties, many probably experienced the early games at a stage of childhood when they were much less critically approaching media. 3- the fact that there were only 6 personality types in the game so logically it would seem like there would be less personality dialogue . (That doesn’t mean there could not have been more lines of dialogue for each of the lower number of types, and perhaps that is part of the difference)

none of this is to say the argument I have cited is incorrect. I just see this kind of complaint a lot (Roxas is just expressing what seems to be the popular viewpoint so I do not want to make him feel like I am specifically arguing with him), but I have never seen any actual examples of like…what made it so much better, how much more was there, and how did the mechanic work if it was superior and why did it change and how?

TL;DR - I hope I don’t offend anyone! I am so curious where this info comes from, interested in knowing more, but not trying to call out anyone for disliking the dialogue for any reason at all, as it generally comes down to a matter of opinion, and all are welcome.

sorry to wander off topic and for so long, I am just interested in these comparisons as someone who did not play the previous games.

My reply might be a bit off-topic so I'll put it in a spoiler, but it does still relate to the variation and quality in personality dialogue:
As for unique dialogue lines for individual villagers, I don't think there was much, but in WW I know Gwen gave me a line about how hard it was for her to be a bird who can't fly (I'd guess Friga would give the same line) and Marina wondered if her seafood diet was strange considering how she is seafood. I thought those were cool but they're the only ones I know of.

I'm not sure how the amount of dialogue compares either, but while repetition tends to be brought up as a common complaint, my problem is less with that (because every game's dialogue can get repetitive) and more with the content and quality. For example, in NH, I personally feel like the dialogue lacks variety - lazies only talk about being disgusting, smelling things, and bugs, jocks only ever talk about muscles/working out, and peppies only talk about being pop stars, and all the lines have the same kind of feel. WW villagers also had a focus on certain topics (NH jocks are pretty similar to WW jocks, except nicer) but they seemed to have a wider range of feelings (lazies would get livid because another villager insulted them or disgusted when they discover a horrifying food combination, peppies would get depressed because they accidentally said they wanted to eat a pastry chef and scoff at another villager's new mop, jocks would get confused by other villagers' relationships and angry when they thought you blew off their training regimen, etc.). NH may have a lot of dialogue, but it all feels the same and so it doesn't seem like there's a lot there (at least to me). The villagers bring up so much contextual dialogue/short small talk lines which we tend to see pretty much daily that it gets old fast, and it reduces the amount of the more interesting dialogue that you'll see from them. I don't know how the dialogue trees in WW work, but in my experience, villagers didn't keep bringing up the same few lines of dialogue the first time I talked to them in a day; they seemed to go right for the fun dialogue.

Not counting the contextual dialogue, the more common dialogue I come across involves personality quizzes ("you chose chai tea, so that means that you need to relax or whatever", etc), instant-bestie stuff ("I'm so glad we're friends!/talk to me if you need someone!/your muscles look great!" even if they just moved in a few days ago), or preachy stuff ("be yourself!/never give up!"), which gets boring for me fast. On top of that, villagers always agree with you if they ask for your preference on something (ex. sunny days vs rainy days - peppies will always agree with your answer), and they love every gift they receive from you or another villager, whereas in games like WW, normals will ask you if you eat your favourite food first or last, where they'll tell you they always eat it last regardless of your response, and villagers have disliked themes and will definitely express their distaste for a gift if you deliver something they don't like, which makes them seem more like their own person and less like someone who's only there to serve and agree with you.

While I do like the meaner dialogue (WW at least, as I've never played GC) I don't mind the nicer personalities (except in the snooty/cranky cases where I think they should at least not be instant friends with you when they move in), but I think when you try to make everyone nice, you run the risk of them being boring - not that nice is inherently boring, but it tends to result in less conflict: the way NH did it, everyone wants to be your friend right away, everyone agrees with you, everyone thinks everyone else has great taste and is totally awesome in every way possible, and everyone is happy-go-lucky all the time. For some people, this makes for a happy and peaceful game which is great, but others (like myself) wouldn't mind some spice, sass, and drama to make things more interesting and lively! WW's mean dialogue also often came across as more humourous than hurtful ("Don't you know how to knock? Were you raised in a barn?"/"You're so stuffy! You're like my grandma's basement!"), which I think makes it more enjoyable and hopefully wouldn't be taken too seriously.

I've mentioned villagers being instant friends a few times, so to compare that with WW, I got dialogue from Coco once in WW where she said she wished me and her could be better friends, like she and Blaire were (this was a few days or so after she moved in - and reminds me that villagers also had relationships with other villagers in WW, and would sometimes ask you how well you thought they got along with other villagers and they'd tell you if you were right or wrong (not all of them get along!), and some villagers would gossip about other villagers). This indicated that we weren't close friends yet, but maybe we can build something! After talking to her more and building our friendship, she gave me her picture, my birthday cake, and told me I was her dearest friend (although Blaire was gone by then :P). Seeing our friendship progress like that felt so rewarding and I loved that! On the other hand, all my normals in NH treat me the same when they move in as they do after they give me their pictures, and my relationships with them feel so static. I don't care about most of my villagers because even though additional dialogue is apparently unlocked as you increase your friendship, I don't notice any difference in how much they like me or how they treat me because they all love me from the day they move in.

Not sure if this is what you were looking for, but hope these comparisons help give more of an idea of what WW was like!
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