•~You are my sun, moon and stars~°
I would have to say both Sable and Mabel but I could only choose one so I chose Mable. She is very talkative and sweet and tries her best to sell the customers her product. Both Mable and Sable sacrificed taking over the family business so that their younger sister Labelle could pursue her dreams, which I find very sweet and selfless to do. While I find myself to be a mix of both Mable and Sable personality wise, I feel I'm more happy and outgoing like Mable for the most part haha.
I was quite taken aback by Mable and Sable talking about their backstory of how there were more siblings but they had died. I wasn't expecting to see the "D" word in the newer Nintendo games so I was like "Oh wow!" haha
I was quite taken aback by Mable and Sable talking about their backstory of how there were more siblings but they had died. I wasn't expecting to see the "D" word in the newer Nintendo games so I was like "Oh wow!" haha