If you hear somebody mention something gross while eating, can you continue eating?

If you hear somebody mention something gross while eating, can you continue eating?

  • Yes, I can.

    Votes: 47 59.5%
  • No, i'm put off.

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Depends on what is mentioned.

    Votes: 30 38.0%

  • Total voters


Sep 30, 2015
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Most of my family freaks out if somebody mentions vomit/bugs/generally anything gross while eating food. My mum will start to gag, even. They all say that it puts them off eating, however i can can talk about anything 'gross' and continue to stuff my face. I was wondering if any people were like me or my family, and if there was a name for it or something. Anybody have any thoughts?
my mom made us an amazing pork roast one night, and I was enjoying it up until my brother started mentioning pig intestines. i was a vegan for like a month after that lol
yes. i'm not really grossed out by people talking about things that much, a few exceptions would be stuff that would be in the food (like bugs or something) and maybe if they were extremely graphic.
I can keep eating. It can maybe be a little off putting depending on what's said but it's still the same food so
It depends what it is, it's normally if I see something disgusting it stops me eating. But then if somebody is talking about picking their nose or whatever I don't think I would be able to carry on eating
It depends on the food I'm eating and what is being discussed. If someone talks about a dead body with intestines hanging out of it while I'm eating spaghetti, I'll probably throw up.
Yes. People speaking about things doesn't gross me out. I've seen and watched watched gross/graphic things while eating too and that doesn't put me off either, I'm not easily grosses out at all.
i stop eating for a few seconds but i get over it and finish my food
Blood, glands, puss.

"I lost my appetite"

In other words, yes.
I usually either pretend I didn't hear the gross comment or just say that we're eating. I typically keep eating cause I'm hungry. :p
It all depends on what is said.

If anyone mentions vomit or vomiting, then it causes more of an anxious feeling than a grossed out one

Emetophobia sucks
probably depends on what it is. if it's stuff like, ahem, what usually gets flushed down the toilet, then i wouldn't really be put off, because my sisters go on about that stuff all the time (they're at the age where they find that stuff funny, so...)

but i'd probably be put off by some other stuff. and even then, it might only be for a few seconds and then i'd go back to eating.
It really depends on what was mentioned that depends on whether I can continue eating or not. There's only been a few instances where someone said something that really made me lose my appetite but I can't remember what was said. It had to be pretty bad though.
well no. i was eating cereal with regular milk & i stumbled upon this video about cow milk. supposedly there's pus in milk so that put me off of drinking regular milk. i drink cashew milk now
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