If you were a villager, what animal/personality type would you be?


mostly harmless
Apr 1, 2014
New Leaf Token
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Cherry (Fruit)
Red Lily
June Birthstone (Pearl)
I've always been kinda interested in what kind of Animal Crossing villager I'd be, and according to these really cool quizzes, I'm cranky and either an elephant or a dog (I took it twice)! Kinda funny--my favorite villager also happens to be a cranky dog. I also really love how the quiz maker described the cranky personality; it fits me perfectly.

The species quiz is here and the personality quiz is here! I found them both on this blog.

You can also tell us what you personally want to/think you would be here, and it would be really cool if you drew yourself as a villager, too! Happy posting!
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It says I'm a Koala and that my personality type is Snooty. I don't know about Koala, but Snooty isn't too far off from what I imagined to be. I thought I'd be Smug, but naturally it wouldn't take your gender into it, and Snooty is sort of the female villager version of Smug, anyway.

Don't know about Koala though.
I'm a smug cat! there are no smug cats so far so I'm feeling pretty original >:3c why isn't Punchy smug??
I got Normal Squirrel, I think I'd be a pastel pink squirrel with sparkly eyes too. ooo maybe I should draw this
Id be a lazy cub villager I think c:

The quizzes say i would be a snooty bird tho o:
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I just took the quiz and got

You got: Squirrel!

As a squirrel you’re quite chirpy and adventurous. Whether this is just in your daily activities or your large scale plans depends upon your personality. You like to look forward rather than stray on the past, but you’re smart about this as you always prepare for the winter.

Ahhhhh, I wanted to be a squirrel too!! I love their tails in the game, how they bounce. <3 And they're short and hide in flowers easily. Sooo cuuute!!

And the other quiz I got:

As a cranky person, you can be obnoxious and have an old soul, but really it's all a part of your humour. Those who like you are those who get the joke and can get past your rude remarks to find the warm heart inside.

BAHAHAHAH! Was NOT expecting that at all! xD
I would be a lazy dog villager. I don't want to take the quiz though.
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Without the quiz, I'd be a cranky or lazy turtle.

With the quiz, I'd be a peppy MOTHER F***ING HORSE (their words, not mine)
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I feel like I'd be a cranky squirrel or hamster of sorts c:
According to the quiz I'm a normal cat. I agree with that. I thought I would be more of an uchi without the quiz.