If you were a villager, what would your personality be?

I'd be hip hoppin' diggity-doggin Grouchy.You mess up my coffee? I give you a hollerin. You just caught a fish? Thanks for my dinner, pal. I'm also pretty built, too. I ain't no "oh gee thanks for the PWP mayor", I'm a "GIMME A PICNIC AREA!" kind of guy. Yknow?
Smug. I'm not rough enough to be Cranky, even though I kind of admire them from afar. I have too many emotions and too many people I want to cuddle.

I'm so romantic I'm honestly embarrassed by it, and I can get a little carried away with people. Not in the sense of creepin', but just- feelings. I might even write poetry about it.

TYBG nobody has to deal with this now that I have someone to wrangle me in.

I'd be hip hoppin' diggity-doggin Grouchy.You mess up my coffee? I give you a hollerin. You just caught a fish? Thanks for my dinner, pal. I'm also pretty built, too. I ain't no "oh gee thanks for the PWP mayor", I'm a "GIMME A PICNIC AREA!" kind of guy. Yknow?

You're my dreamie, jsyk.
I've got a little bit of all the female personalities in me. But I guess most likely normal. :)
Peppy:I'm that really random girl that says like and totes all the time.
Lazy:I have no life,I love sleeping and am usually in the house all day playing video games.
Normal:I'm usually the soft,sweetheart girl when I'm not being an idiot and get offended easily.
I'd probably be either normal, cranky, or uchi...I do have lazy tendencies though...jeez...this is such a hard decision T_T
Well, the personality types that fit me the best are lazy and cranky, so probably a mix of the two... However that works.
One of my friends described me as 'quirky' and 'sociable', so for that reason I'd say I'm a peppy. I'd also consider myself an uchi because of the 'big sister' personality, because I'm often looking out for my friends to make sure they don't do something stupid that they know they'd regret.
I'd most likely be an uchi villager. A cute little uchi kitty, maybe.