I'm addicted to Harvest Moon More Friends of Mineral Town.

My very first Harvest Moon game was Harvest Moon DS and it is still my alltime favourite!! I have heard that most people start with this game so I looked it up and it looks just like HMDS! o: I'm definitely gonna try it out!
My very first Harvest Moon game was Harvest Moon DS and it is still my alltime favourite!! I have heard that most people start with this game so I looked it up and it looks just like HMDS! o: I'm definitely gonna try it out!

Definitely! I adore hm ds and hm ds cute because it combines friends of mineral town with a new beginning, the two games I started with! There's not as much freedom with building placement (everything has a designated spot) but the gameplay is very similar! You can also connect your fomt file to your ds game, and the characters will visit! <3
Definitely! I adore hm ds and hm ds cute because it combines friends of mineral town with a new beginning, the two games I started with! There's not as much freedom with building placement (everything has a designated spot) but the gameplay is very similar! You can also connect your fomt file to your ds game, and the characters will visit! <3

Whoa, visiting?! How do you do that exactly? Do you use a DS Lite to have both the GBA and DS game in one handheld?
Whoa, visiting?! How do you do that exactly? Do you use a DS Lite to have both the GBA and DS game in one handheld?

Yup! You have to have HM DS in the system as well as HM FoMT for the girl characters from Mineral Town to start showing up in Forget Me Not Valley. If you marry one of the Mineral Town girls I believe the game ends after that and you can't continue playing, if I'm remembering it right.

The same goes for DS Cute, you have to have that game in as well as MFoMT plugged in to unlock the Mineral Town guys. But you can marry a Mineral Town guy and continue with the game (I married Kai and I'm still playing)! The thing is the girl games can only connect to each other and the boy games can only connect to each other.