I'm creating my own Animal Crossing-inspired game!!

What should I add next?

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this is REALLY cool. i find it so intriguing that people have this level of skill to be able to create their own game, it’s crazy! it looks like you’ve put a lot of effort into it, and i can’t imagine how hard it must have been to code all of that! ahh i get a headache every time i try and code so hands down to you my friend!
Sorry, I've been quite busy for the past couple of days. But that game is now (almost) running on iOS. There are still quite a few bugs to fix, but it's working quite nicely:giggle:

Oh, absolutely! I really appreciate it😀

I like the idea about the bird! I like little details like that!

Edit: I also worked on a better wind animation and much more beautiful lighting at night. I hope I can share something about it soon.
Sounds great! I love aesthetics of video games.
this is REALLY cool. i find it so intriguing that people have this level of skill to be able to create their own game, it’s crazy! it looks like you’ve put a lot of effort into it, and i can’t imagine how hard it must have been to code all of that! ahh i get a headache every time i try and code so hands down to you my friend!

Thank you, that's really kind of you! Made me really happy to read that😀:giggle:

Sounds great! I love aesthetics of video games.

Thanks!:giggle: I'm a little busy right now, but I'll try to share something as soon as I have enough time.
I've been fixing quite a few bugs for the past couple of days and improved performance. Unfortunately, I don't have the time right now to implement a lot of new features. However, there are two kinds of sprinklers in the game now. One waters the plants to left and right of it and the other is an improved version that also waters the plants above and below it. I'm preparing more content to show, but in the meantime, here are two new GIF:


Since I'm quite busy right now, I can only work on smaller features. Next on my list: adding more ways to interact with your dog.
Here are my ideas:
  • Naming the dog
  • Whenever you cut a tree and the branches lay on the ground, you can tap and then throw them. Your dog will try to catch it and if you succeed, you double the amount of branches you get
  • Improving the AI. Maybe your dog follows you from time to time
  • Your dog will run around the island and bark if when finding a rare items. If you interact with your dog, you get said item
Those are just some ideas. Especially the improved AI might be a challenge, so I can't promise that those features actually make it into the game. But I'll definitely give it a try!

I totally forgot about this: What do you think of the new lighting?

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This looks so cool! The lights do give off a homey feel. Just wondering, i cant remember if you mentioned this, but is the clock the same as irl? Like animal crossing timing or like Sims. Thanks :D

Thanks!:giggle: Yes, the time is the same as in real life. That's one of my favourite aspects of Animal Crossing, so I really wanted this as a feature!:giggle: (And it took me forever to implement correctly)
Thats great! I love how the point of the game is to be patient, and this is great. Cant wait to see the pets!

Thanks:giggle: Generally, you do have to be patient. But from my own experience with the game, you can determine the pace of your progress yourself to a certain degree . So for example, you can spend your money on decorations and spend time customising your island. Or you just keep buying new crops and make a lot of money really quickly. It depends a lot on your play style and you can decide yourself how you'd like to play the game.
Since I'm quite busy right now, I can only work on smaller features. Next on my list: adding more ways to interact with your dog.
Here are my ideas:
  • Naming the dog
  • Whenever you cut a tree and the branches lay on the ground, you can tap and then throw them. Your dog will try to catch it and if you succeed, you double the amount of branches you get
  • Improving the AI. Maybe your dog follows you from time to time
  • Your dog will run around the island and bark if when finding a rare items. If you interact with your dog, you get said item
Those are just some ideas. Especially the improved AI might be a challenge, so I can't promise that those features actually make it into the game. But I'll definitely give it a try!

I totally forgot about this: What do you think of the new lighting?

View attachment 359974
View attachment 359973
The new lighting looks gorgeous! 😍
Hey everyone! I still have one last test left, after that I can finally start working on IslandCamper again!

Here's what I've implemented in the mean time:
- There's now a shadow to the player. It's not perfect yet, but I think it looks nice. What love to know what you think about it:)
- A lot of noticeable bugs have been fixed
- I've worked on a lot of new decorations for the island, around 30 to be exact. There will be new signs, potted plants, cacti and more! I've also reworked some old sprites that look much better now


Once the last test is over, I'll work on these features (probably in this order):
  1. A new NPC will be introduced that sells rare decorations
  2. I'd like to add a kennel to the game. This could be the place where the dog spawns when you load the game
  3. As suggested by @princess.looking.for.frog the dog will hunt for some kind of rare item. I really like this idea and I think it'll add a lot to the game. I've noticed that - right now - you don't really interact with the dog as much after some time and this should change that.
  4. You can get a cat! (Of course, the cat should also have a purpose - just like the dog)
  5. NPCs should be able to move to the island
  6. NPC that sells house upgrades and house customizations

Haircuts and clothing are still on my to-do list! The problem is that it requires a lot of work (every player animation needs to be drawn for every single shirt, hairstyle, etc. individually and then the selected combination of shoes, trousers, shirt and hairstyle makes up the player). This is definitely doable and I absolutely want this in the game, but I'd like to have as much content available for launch as possible and I think the other features are more urgent. I really hope that's fine😊
I'm just amazed at the amount of effort and resourcefulness you have while juggling life. Keep up the awesomeness!
I'm just amazed at the amount of effort and resourcefulness you have while juggling life. Keep up the awesomeness!

Thank you, that's really kind of you:)😊 This is really motivating to keep going, thank you😊

I've added a around 35 new decorations to the game. There are new signposts, plants, hedges, some ancient ruins, shopsigns, wells, cacti and a whole lot more. I'll need to create a new NPC for selling them, but apart from that, it is basically done. These won't be the last decorations that are added, but I think the variety is now large enough for the base game.
What do you think of them? Do you have other ideas for decorations that should be in the game?😀


Hey everyone!
I'm thinking about doing a beta test for the game. It would be limited to iOS for now. I'm not sure when it would start, but in case you're generally interested, please let me know:)

You can either answer here or notify me via a message😀
i just wanted to say the game looks super cool. I love the animations.