I'm done with Animal Crossing.

Oh noez...
If I'm worthy I only want 100k-200k.
Not too greedy really :p
Oh hey sad too hear you are leaving well goodbye and good luck with your life if i am worthy i will take anything thats goin farewell x
not sure when this was posted and the 21 pages are looking pretty intimidating to me...
i'm not interested in the bells because i want to earn all my bells myself - but i'd be interested in the mario stuff. that is, if i'm worthy, but if not, meh. just more to look forward to getting later on. =)
See ya dude, I really dunno why you would wanna give up Animal Crossing but hey, its your decision. Anyways I really don't know what else to say cause I never really knew you but.. Have a great life, and happy new year
You shouldn't give anything away!
cause then one day u might regret doing that when u like want to start playing again or something related to that