• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

I'm just gonna say it...

I feel that way any time I join a game specific forum :p. Everyone is always super pro and I'm just a little noob but I definitely just observe trade etiquette and learn about the game. But people are generally quite friendly (here especially I would say since animal crossing is such a casual fun game) and if you ever feel confused during trades or whatever, just say so. Most people will have patience to help you out ^^
No reason to be intimidated! You can learn a lot from this forum. Whether you think it makes game play more enjoyable is up to you. Plus, 99.7% of people here are friendly. There's a lot of help to be found. c:
A lot of people like the lower tiered villagers, and are not embarrassed to say so.

There were a few times I didn't understand something, and there was always a helpful person explaining things to me. One time I had someone dropping off ton of bells for my tbt. I couldn't figure out how to send him the tbt. He was very nice and patient and explained how to do it.
Definitely just play how you want to play.

Unfortunately, if you want to trade or buy villagers/items/hybrids/etc, you kinda have to play by the forum's rules when it comes to pricing. Other than that, play how you want.

When it comes to villager tiers, it gets to boring to see every town have just tier ones. So if you don't, it makes your town special. :) As well, villagers rise and fall in tiers so whoever it in tier one right now, may not be in a few months.
I agree with everyone in this thread. Before I joined the forums I never knew there was such a thing as villager tiers and I just played how I wanted to play it as. No one's going to judge you.
Mostly what everyone said, don't let it get to you and play the game as you like. It did become somewhat stressing for me when I found about these villager tiers and the amount of bells they went for. I thought to myself how in the world am I going to get so many bells to get these villagers. I don't know how I did it but I manage to dodge it, but the most I've paid for a villager was only 5 million bells (unless you count tbt bells, which I basically paid a rate of 20~ million in game bells)
It may feel like this at first but it's easy to progress in this game. After a few weeks I was ready for more challenges. Some things I thought I would never have I was now getting. Some other things I have no interest in. When all your shops are upgraded and your house fully expanded you may want to set yourself different in-game goals, like completing museum or collecting badges. That's how you progress and people do it at a different pace.
The NL community is soooo intimidating to me...
Tiers, "perfect" towns with only tier 1 villagers, villager trades for MILLIONS of bells when the most I've ever seen is 500k, and everybody stresses out about hybrid flowers all the time?
It's so scary and I'm just a noob who wants to have fun and play the game. I don't know if anyone else feels this way (or if this thread goes here) but I'm always frightened when doing villager trades and stuff and I feel embarrassed that I like a lot of the tier 4-5 villagers that I have ;___; am I alone?

I'm sure I'm repeating what some people have already said, but try to just play the game the way you want to play, and don't worry about what other people in the community are doing, who their villagers are and what their towns look like. Personally, my town is a super messy WIP and probably will be forever, because I work at it at my own pace. My villagers are villagers I genuinely like, not just tier ones.

I also want to say that if you come into the community just being yourself and playing your own game, you will attract people with the same play style as you, who are just here to have fun and don't care about the perfect town or the tier one villagers. That's the awesome thing about being part of a community as big as this one - there's tons of people in every inch of the spectrum ranging from people who rarely play and don't care a bit to those who spend hundreds of hours perfecting their towns.

P.S.: Not everyone on here is out for bells/TBT. I've met some insanely lovely generous people on here who give away items/bells/high-tier villagers for free or very cheap. Most of the villagers I've adopted (even the higher-tier ones) I received for free.
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I think when people say "perfect towns" they literally mean the perfect town status and not actually having a perfect Tier 1 only village with only perfect fruits and perfect grass and perfect 100% original villagers. keyword of the day is perfect
I agree with Mariah. Don't let it affect you.
A lot of people here like the lower tiers, too, I'm sure.
One of my favourite villagers is probably one of the most disliked.
Don't worry about it :)
I was kind of intimidated at first myself. but you know, I'm probably considered kinda weird for having a town that lets villagers come and go all the time. and my town will never have paths. and I near always like low tier villagers more. but that doesn't matter.
you do what you want, don't let other people get to you.
Don't let people ruin the game for you! I know how you feel because honestly, it's how I feel too, and it almost makes me wish that something like a Tumblr New Leaf fandom didn't exist because people are constantly judging. I like the competition though honestly; whenever I see someone with an amazing town, it makes me want to make my town like that, yet in a different way.

But just because everyone you know has 'popular' villagers and 'beautiful' towns doesn't mean you have to! Remember, there are tons of 9 and 10 year olds who have no idea what Tumblr is and have never heard of a New Leaf fandom, and they're playing exactly how they want to, so why shouldn't you? Don't let anyone's judging get to you. It's your game and it's your decision to do what you want with your town. Animal Crossing was made so you could do what you wanted with your town, not let other people do what they wanted with your town. If you want to terrorize your villagers, go ahead! If you want all Tier 5 villagers, go ahead! Who cares? People have different tastes. Not everyone is going to love your town, but not everyone is going to hate it either. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy. ?・ᴗ・`

It's your choice and it's nothing to be ashamed of. c:
Yeah it was very intimidating at first, people really have some sort of addiction to hybrids, I mean there was one guy who offered me 8 golden roses for 100 TBT, which is crazy because they are so easy to get! Also, I never got how so people get so many TBT, I guess they mostly sell stuff because I cannot imagine if they actually got all that bells by posting x-x. In the topic I once got like 50 bells on a short post out of nowhere, since I?m kinda still in the noob state on this forum, is there any explanation for that?
You know what they say: "A demon with love in his heart is better than a demon with a fart."

Keep on truckin', star-boy.

~ Murdoch, kindly demon lovechild

I'm reading through the responses to this thread right now and this is golden

- - - Post Merge - - -

Aww, thank you all so much. I wasn't sure if I was alone in feeling really overwhelmed by the NL community but now I definitely feel a lot better, I couldn't have hoped for a more supportive response. This was really good for me to hear, yall are the best
You know, I felt very similar when I first started to see the online community for Animal crossing. Everyone's towns were gorgeous, and they had all this rare stuff, and their dreamies were all super-cute... it was quite intimidating! But as I lurked on the forums for a while, I quickly realized that everyone here is really nice, and I registered soon afterwards. I've not regretted it!

I may not have the prettiest town, or the most bells, or a completed catalog, and I may not have the prettiest looking villagers, but if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask!
Eventually you'll get used to it, do not fret :)
About the tiers, I don't really take them into any consideration, because everyone likes what they want. Telling you, my fave girl until now is Pompom and she isn't exactly popular...