Whoa. *explodes*
Hi! I'm Bluedressblondie. My real name is Kitty (Okay, not really it's my nickname for Kaitlyn but I'd prefer Kitty). My username is Bluedressblondie because I, for some reason, like characters with blue dresses and blond hair. I don't know why, but if there's a character that fits that description, I always seem to like them. I'm sweetie girly-girl by day and rebel gamer by night. Well, sometimes they switch. During the day I like to talk about Elsa. During the night I like to talk about Rosalina (Mario). So if you know both those characters, those both have blue dresses and blond hair....
Anyway, besides the point that I'm like 2 different girls. Hola!
Anyway, besides the point that I'm like 2 different girls. Hola!