I'm new.

It's ment to be put in The Wishing Well but you're new. A mod will be glad to move it probuly and...

Welcome to The Bell Tree.
no, you have to read the forum discription of everyone sadly to get it....it is wishing well

just as a heads up to any mod or admin, you don't have to post or leave the link for this one. I think this guy is smart enough to figure it out

;) Escialy since I'm saying it while I am rambeling
PKMNMasterSamus said:
Hello, you may know me from Nsider and SSC. Is this the right place to put this topic?
Well, no, but since you're a new member, I'll let it slide.


Welcome to TBT. I'm Smart Tech Dragon 15, Smart Tech, or Valoo, for short. If you need anything moved, deleted, edited, or closed, send me a PM and I'll help. Also, I run TBT Trivia, a game here in which you can win a special rank that allows editing and deleting.

I hope you enjoy your time here at TBT.

What?!?!!? I have the trivia rank And I can't delete!!! Only edit.
im happy mym brother isnt on this he would be swearing all over...
but welcome to tbt
im happy mym brother isnt on this he would be swearing all over...
but welcome to tbt