I'm so over my island.


The Hash Slinging Slasher
Jul 31, 2013
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Orange (Fruit)
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
I spent almost a year working to get my island how I want it and now....I hate it and I'm not quite sure what to do about it. I absolutely do NOT want to start over. I have three or four empty spaces that I just don't know what to do with and I've already spent 3 million bells moving buildings and inclines and I've blown through my savings so I cannot move anything else for awhile. Anyone have any suggestions?

My DA is DA-4473-8846-7217 if anyone wants to look.
I spent almost a year working to get my island how I want it and now....I hate it and I'm not quite sure what to do about it. I absolutely do NOT want to start over. I have three or four empty spaces that I just don't know what to do with and I've already spent 3 million bells moving buildings and inclines and I've blown through my savings so I cannot move anything else for awhile. Anyone have any suggestions?

My DA is DA-4473-8846-7217 if anyone wants to look.
I’m so sad that you aren’t happy with your island. I thought it was absolutely lovely! I especially liked the way you laid out your villagers neighborhood, and the nice big yard around your house!
I have a few spots on my island that I haven’t figured out what to do with long term, but I have a few temporary ideas, maybe some of them would work for you?
Under construction zone, with signs, cones, tools, etc.
Seasonal fair/festival, changing out once a month or so. Egg hunt, summer picnic, etc.
Fishing pond, with poles set up.
My long term idea for one spot is setting up more characters on my island, and turning the houses into things I feel are missing. I already have a couple(a restaurant and a visitors center), but I’m trying to decide what I want to do next(leaning towards a hotel).
I hope I helped a little bit. I really did enjoy your island!
I think it looks nice. Of course, I think it could use a lot more decoration around the island. Things like shrubs, fences, anything really up against the cliff walls. I see what you mean about there being a lot of open space left. I'm not saying clutter your island to the point it starts to lag, though. You could put two street lamps at the sides of the bush fence in front of the Able Sisters, put an end table at the end of the sofas where the library is at and perhaps put some lamps there for lighting. It's up to you, of course. Still, your island looks nice, but if you feel things are missing, then all I see missing aside from the empty plots of land is more decor.
This might sound obvious so my apologies, but have you tried watching YouTube videos or browsing Pinterest for inspiration? Also, the layout and how you have everything with the cliffs and waterscapes is so well done that you could start over without having to re-do all that stuff. I went through the same kind of dread with my island and then I started seeing everyone's themed islands and found one that I thought wasn't too crazy. I'm able to to set goals and an agenda with it so I'm not wasting my time or just wandering around aimlessly on the island thinking of stuff to do.

If you're not looking to do a themed island then you can always look around for things to build to take up the empty spaces. I've seen people do post offices, hair/nail salons, orchards, decorated museum exteriors, playgrounds, restaurants, outdoor flea markets, rock gardens, and laundromats.

I hope you find a way to bring some love and fire back to your island! If ever need help with bells let me know! I have a surplus that I'd love to spend or give away 😊
There are a number of users who sell large quantities of bells in exchange for forum currency over in Nook's Cranny. I would recommend purchasing some so that you can begin rearranging areas of your island into something new.
I dont know about the biggest empty spaces but benches and flowers to fill in the smaller gaps.
Of course benches and flowers are my solution to everything but they work.

Maybe some custom patterns on the floor. (Not to replace the floor just here and there for effect)

But honestly though I thought your island was one of the better I've seen and I do a lot of dream hopping.

What is it about the island you don't like?
So I checked out your island and I think playing around with height variation would help you. That can be with adding more cliffs, trees and tall furniture. Right now your horizon is pretty much the same where I can pretty much see straight ahead of me. I did a quick paint-over to give you an idea.


1. Airport Entrance: I felt like this area was confined and I see you're going for symmetry, so I knocked out the bench to give more room. I generally got the feeling your island has a resort vibe, and the iron fences are a bit harsh. A tree line might help soften the look.
2. Campsite: I built up the cliffs to create a more cozy or secluded feeling. You can add a custom design like wood planks near the camp sign or something to transition from the arch stone path.
3. Museum area: Generally around museums, there is shopping or small eateries. The festivale stalls and umbrellas might have some good use here.
4. Crescent pond: I think this area should feel more magical and foresty here. I felt like the shell arch didn't match since up ahead you used the crescent moon chair. Go ham with nova stars?

Anyways, feel free to ignore my post if you disagree with my feedback.
I l ike everyone else's suggestions. I myself am a huge perfectionist, and I'm just letting my island be a constant work in progress. Yo u don't have to reset to redo it. Just take it bit by bit. If you don't like a part, focus on that one part and tear it down and look at some inspiration on Pinterest, Youtube, Instagram, etc while you build and redo that one bit. I do it all the time. I usually redo a part at least once before I'm happy with it, and even then, I go back a lot and just take it all down to put it back up.

My boyfriend doesn't reset, but he has completley built up an entire, beautiful, terraformed island just to flatten it all and do it again at least twice now.
i can't really help you with any suggestions, but i just wanted you to know i've been in the same position (and honestly i still feel this way a lot)! i hate the island layout i chose but i'm a first day player and i also refuse to reset. it helps to just take a few days or so off and come back with a fresh perspective. if you can narrow down the things you dislike, it also makes it a lot easier.
Oh, I’m so sorry you feel this way about your island but I can relate. It took me ages to shape my island in the first place(I’m not skilled with terraforming) and when I was finally done I was like:meh, don’t like it.
I visited your dream address and your island is super pretty, especially your residential area but if I can give you a little advice, I would play more with cliffs. It takes a little bit of time to master them but there are tons of super useful tutorial on YouTube and cliffs really help to fill the space and give dimension to your island. While running around yours I had the feeling it was massive, although your island map is very similar to mine. So yeah, change in height really helps to make the island more “alive” and interesting to navigate. I hope this can be useful 🌸
You all are the absolute SWEETEST.

Thank you for all your kind comments and suggestions, it truly made my day <3