I spent almost a year working to get my island how I want it and now....I hate it and I'm not quite sure what to do about it. I absolutely do NOT want to start over. I have three or four empty spaces that I just don't know what to do with and I've already spent 3 million bells moving buildings and inclines and I've blown through my savings so I cannot move anything else for awhile. Anyone have any suggestions?
My DA is DA-4473-8846-7217 if anyone wants to look.
I’m so sad that you aren’t happy with your island. I thought it was absolutely lovely! I especially liked the way you laid out your villagers neighborhood, and the nice big yard around your house!
I have a few spots on my island that I haven’t figured out what to do with long term, but I have a few temporary ideas, maybe some of them would work for you?
Under construction zone, with signs, cones, tools, etc.
Seasonal fair/festival, changing out once a month or so. Egg hunt, summer picnic, etc.
Fishing pond, with poles set up.
My long term idea for one spot is setting up more characters on my island, and turning the houses into things I feel are missing. I already have a couple(a restaurant and a visitors center), but I’m trying to decide what I want to do next(leaning towards a hotel).
I hope I helped a little bit. I really did enjoy your island!