I'm torn on if I want to reset my island or not. Have you reset yours?

If you're torn I wouldn't. Or at least would wait a long time.

Back in WW I was thinking about resetting as a kid so I could do a new theme. I even got the help of a couple people from AnimalCrossingCommunity.com to come over and take my stuff so that I could pick it up after I reset. But then last second I chickened out and changed my mind. It's been almost 15 years so I don't remember clearly but I remember talking myself out of it while with them, and then since all my stuff was in one of their towns' he'd message me a couple of times about picking up my things but I never did lol

But I'm so, so glad that I didn't! On ACC too on ACNL threads sometimes people beat up their younger selves for deleting their towns. You can always delete later if you feel really certain about it!
I mean, you can get all these opinions, but at the end of the day it's your choice and your island. So do whatever you're comfortable with. :)

Me personally, I felt similar to how you're feeling currently a couple of months ago when I really wanted to restart my island, because I was so bored with it. The map layout, the native fruit and flowers. Just everything about it had gone stale. But I was pretty attached the island because it had being with me since launch. I was really unmotivated to actually do anything with the island no matter how many times I flattened, or tried a different theme. I wouldn't touch the game for days at a time.

But at the start of July, I bit the bullet and I did end up restarting. I had one of my close friends hold a whole bunch of stuff for me so that I would have something going into it. That is something I would suggest doing if you are going to restart. For me, once I had reset, I didn't regret it at all. It was so nice and refreshing to have a brand new map and a native fruit that I actually wanted (peaches xD). I was really inspired all over again. It does take a while to build up your catalog and DIY's and the museum, but I would say it's worth it.

But as I said, it's really up to you
I’m not sure if resetting is right for you or not, but I will tell you why it is right for me! Personally, I get so attached to my towns that I could never flatten them and re-do everything and never see *that* town again, so I prefer to make a dream address of my town and restart my game so that my perfect little winter village, etc. is preserved to visit again when I want to see it. (Bulletin boards are saved in dream addresses! You wouldn’t lose them and could still view them whenever you want!) To save my catalog when restarting I put everything in my 2nd player’s storage (and bells in his bank account) and I move him to my sister’s town while I restart and then move him back to my town. Takes a 2nd switch, but is much less tedious than the flying back and forth with all your bells and stuff. I have also been giving him all my extra DIY’s, so besides the seasonal DIY’s, he’s somewhat complete as my original character on those. I have already completed my critterpedia and gotten all of the golden tools, so I wanted to restart to have a reason to get on every month to collect everything again, and I like villager hunting and meeting new villagers, but I would probably never ever have kicked villagers off of my original island because I was attached to all of them. Now I get to find new ones to be attached to! The only thing that annoys me about the whole thing is getting DIY’s for my main character again. I should also mention that I have never reset my WW and that will always feel like my “first island,” so I guess I’m just not really nostalgic about NH and I get that nostalgia from my original WW town. (Edited for a typo.)
at the end of the day this is definitely a more personal decision that you've gotta decide for yourself, but to put in my two cents - I reset my island earlier this year, after having had the same island since the release date. i think it's definitely given me a fresh perspective on designing an island, since i have a year's worth of experience with the game now as opposed to last year when we were all kind of figuring out terraforming as we went. the only problem i would say i've encountered with resetting is the fact that i've got a lot less free time now to play, so my island is still looking pretty bare in its early stages of development. although i also partially blame that on obviously having a much more reduced catalogue and DIY list
I've never reset mine and I doubt I will. The way I see it, I have enough ability to change most aspects of it that resetting wouldn't be necessary. But that's just me.
I paid real money just to get a workaround solution to my layout problem rather than resetting. That's how hard I'm trying to resist the temptation of resetting and wipe out all my previous hard work to collect museum donations and complete Nook Mile challenges.
I don't think I'd ever reset. I still have my starter villagers from April 2020, and I really love how everything on the island has turned out. I also have some beautiful natural scenery that I never terra-formed.

Besides from that, resetting would make me lose my entire catalogue. I've worked hard to try to expand it beyond what I normally get at Nook's.