All of our votes make a difference. The reason why mine wouldn't matter to the rest of Bell Tree Forums is because I come from a state Trump is going to win anyway (which is Texas). Even the more liberal demographics in America are more conservative in Texas than anywhere else (even if they're still more liberal than conservative). It wouldn't matter who I voted as well because I'm always going to vote conservative. If Hillary Clinton was going to repeal Obamacare without replacement, is pro-life, anti-immigration, anti-SJW, pro-gun, pro-captial punishment, and never discussed a national issue on a private server, I would've voted Hillary. But none of this is true about her. In 2012, I voted Romney even if I prefer Herman Cain or Rick Perry over him. In 2016, I prefer Ted Cruz or Ben Carson over others. If I could vote in 2008, I would've voted John McCain (which I didn't since I was too young to vote back then). I know a lot of you hate the Sith Lord (aka Donald Trump), but I'm always going to vote Republican no matter what. And as long as we have the electoral college, my vote wouldn't matter if I don't agree with the rest of the state.
I appreciate you sticking to your guns (literally! lol)
Personally my views are a mix so I don't consistently vote for either party. I might vote Democrat next time. It'll depend on who's running.