Important notes for JPN/SK ACNL players before playing online


Senior Member
Nov 13, 2009
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The patch for Japanese/South Korean owners of Animal Crossing: New Leaf is (almost) there! In this update, it will fix certain glitches and stability issues (e.g. crashing/freezing, saved data corruption). Also, it will add an extra option on the main menu that checks for any update in the game, so you won't have to scramble through eShop to download future patches.
If you try to play the game online without installing the patch starting on March 18th 2013, you'll notice that the error message is telling you to download it via Nintendo e-Shop. If you go on eShop, it'll ask you if you want to show which games received a new update version. If, for some reason it doesn't do that to you, here's how to find it from there!

Method #1 A few taps away!

Find an icon that has a white leaf on a green background with "v1.1" tucked over it. You'll see it after clicking on the ACNL banner. Otherwise,...

Method #2 Search it!

...You can always search it by simply tapping on the white bar from the main menu. Japanese players can type either "データ" (de-ta, as written in katakana) or "とびだせどうぶつの森" (Tobidase Doubutsu no Mori, written in hiragana, along with a kanji in the end). If you're a South Korean player, type "튀어나와요 동물의 숲". And finally, look for an icon that has a white leaf on a green background with "v1.1" tucked over it.

Hope I saved you from having any headache while finding the patch. And enjoy your glitch-free copy!

EDIT: The last option on the main menu on the 1.1 version searches for further updated datas. No more browsing on eShop for any ACNL update!
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Think I'll sticky this thread for a few weeks to be sure everyone is aware. Good thread!
Thank you for posting this! It'll be very helpful later today.
Patch is out. I just got a message telling me I can't use BF chat until I get the patch.
Go get it, guys!

Here's my terrible "guide".

When you start up the eshop, you should get a little message prompt asking if you want to download it Later or Now. Hit the button on the right (for Now), then in the next message box hit the button on the left to be taken to a screen that shows the AC:NL icon with a little Ver. 1.1 on it. On that screen, hit the blue button underneath the icon, and the two blue buttons that appear on the next few screens after it.

It says Ver. 1.1 on the main start up screen. If you don't see that, you don't have the patch yet.
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I'd like to write a post about the changes in the patch on my blog tomorrow so if some of you with the game would post here any changes/fixes you notice, it would be appreciated! Thanks.
The clipping glitch, involving the party blower item, where one person uses the party blower while another runs into them allowing them to go on top of buildings, in rivers, etc. has NOT been fixed. Just tried it out.
When you load the game it will say version 1.1 in the upper right hand corner on the touch screen (the screen that says Press @ button). That is the only thing that I noticed so far- as Mint said.
I didn't got the patch when I attempted to check it out around 7 PM EST before I went back on my college. Looks like I'll have to wait until Friday evening to download it. Fortunately, I won't get any crash since I do a bit less of things than before, for some reason.

I'd like to know a few things on what the patch actually did. Did they disabled the infamous duplication trick? Does the wall-clip inside a room works? How many blocks the patch itself is? And do we see less reports of stability issues? Well, it's going to take a long while to figure out...
I think it was around 249 blocks.
I'll try to trigger the duplication glitch later. I've never tried it before, so I may not get it to work. ^^;

I have no idea how to trigger this glitch. 8D; I give up on trying.
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According to the official website (the page just updated), they fixed some known issues. From what I interpreted from here, the patch did:

- Error occurring from booting up the game? | Original text: "ゲームを起動するとエラーになることがある問題を修正しました。"
- Crash after entering the police station | Original text: "交番に入るとエラーになることがある問題を修正しました。"
- Either more updates will come at later date, or the other problems are fixed as well? | Original text: "そのほか、ゲームを快適に遊んでいただけるよう、いくつかの問題を修正しました。"
Sounds like they didn't actually touch the save file problems. Just loading the game and police station. Odd.
Just finished the patching. Now I wonder what the 4th menu is??
I think usually we had only 3 choices when we are about to play the game ;)
Just finished the patching. Now I wonder what the 4th menu is??
I think usually we had only 3 choices when we are about to play the game ;)
I noticed that too, but thought maybe I had just imagined it. xD I'm not sure what it is.
If that last option says "もどる", then I believe it'll close the menu, just to see what version it is.
Otherwise, could you bring up what it is actually saying?
If that last option says "もどる", then I believe it'll close the menu, just to see what version it is.
Otherwise, could you bring up what it is actually saying?

None of them say that. I think it's either the third or fourth one that is new. They both have kanji in it, so I can't type it out. The last one mentions data (might be for restarting; erase data?).

Third one is: いつの間に通信
I think it might be for receiving gifts. If you put your 3ds in sleep mode and don't receive the gift maybe you hit that option? I'm backing up my game and will try the third option in a moment.

Third option brings up:
そのままで - As is --didn't seem to do anything
うけとらなくする- Did not receive-- a pop up came up and then it saved.

I already got the most recent campus item so I doubt the third option will do anything for me.
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ZedameX has streamed a little while ago about the last option (at 0:39:00 mark). It's about updating the data. In this option, it will check for further update datas if you accepted it. You won't have to scramble through eShop for any new ACNL update down the road.
According to him, it seems like that the wall-clip glitch in any inside room is fixed.