Toadsworthy - Yesterday at 10:40 PM
hm... I semi believe it sicne my role is specific to me with these effing poems
I keep thinking about my role and maybe you wont be able to help me
VanessaMay18 - Yesterday at 10:41 PM
My role is called #liar sk lol
Toadsworthy - Yesterday at 10:41 PM
but I will still help you get lynched today if you want
VanessaMay18 - Yesterday at 10:42 PM
and if i ding get lynched you can tell me who is a safe kill
Toadsworthy - Yesterday at 10:42 PM
this is very true...
well we should fake some sort of PM on discord or TBT then I can post it close to end of day
VanessaMay18 - Yesterday at 10:43 PM
We could pretend im just sk theyll want to lynch me for that
And i tried to make a deal and ur just like i don't trust u die. Or whatever Ive never faked a convo before im sure u know better
Toadsworthy - Yesterday at 10:48 PM
its not my forte... but I will start a new PM with you rn... for the first response jsut act normal
VanessaMay18 - Yesterday at 10:49 PM
I'm probably going to sleep soon so I'll continue the chain in the morning
Toadsworthy - Yesterday at 10:50 PM
VanessaMay18 - Yesterday at 10:51 PM
Toadsworthy - Yesterday at 10:52 PM
i will pop in throughout the day, but I'm in clinic most of it too. I will probably post the discussion around 3 pm
VanessaMay18 - Yesterday at 10:53 PM
Cool I'll be around majority of the day starting bright and early 6am :')
Toadsworthy - Yesterday at 10:54 PM
ew... I wil be awake around then too though to drive so early
VanessaMay18 - Yesterday at 10:54 PM
Toadsworthy - Yesterday at 11:01 PM
dont respond to my last response
i'll think of what you shoudl say and let you know
January 29, 2018
VanessaMay18 - Today at 6:36 AM
Oh oops I already replied before checking discord....hopefully its ok, if not just ignore my reply and I'll send another one
Toadsworthy - Today at 1:59 PM
It's fine
Toadsworthy - Today at 2:00 PM
I'm about to ask you about special things associated with your role
What should we say? A gambler clause? Where you have to guess who gets lynched?
What did Dolby claim in BOTW?
Alright look, I have special interest in Bianca dying.... who is gathering votes. I will be more than happy to help get you lynched day 2, please vote her now. If anything else changes throughout the day I will try to switch to you, but it looks like Bianca will die rn
VanessaMay18 - Today at 2:12 PM
If I get lynched she dies tho
But ok I'll just vote for her
I honestly don't understand my role but I think if I get lynched I get to kill bianca and then die
and otherwise I can't touch bianca
"I'm a gambler. I win if I correctly guess 3 lynches" that was Dolby in BOTW, you want me to say that?