In a bit of a slump!

I have been in a slump with both my islands. Have not completely redone it but change a few areas. For my main island I’m stuck on villagers houses and my museum area. For my second island it’s the back right area. Where my house and campsite will go. I have an idea but can’t seem to get it right.I do sometimes stare at it for half an hour before giving up and playing something else.

I’m sure you will figure it out maybe need to take a break from decorating, come back to it later.
I feel this. I just got back into the game after about 3 months hiatus. This is my second island, I reset once last June so I’ve had this one for a year now. I have completely flattened my island twice, and I’ve completely redone the theme like four times. This time I’m focusing on what I would like and taking my time and doing what I want regardless of other islands and the season or month or anything. I feel like it’s good to take a break if you need it and then come back fresh which can help with new ideas. For me, getting back into the online gaming community and returning to my gaming Instagram helped a lot and gave me the inspiration to keep going.
I've actually just started feeling this as well. Granted, I don't really have a theme for my island. I've kept it pretty natural looking, and I just decorate throughout according to the season. I like to change the flowers around my shops and all of the houses every month, to better match the overall "feel" of whatever is going on. But now I'm like... at the point where the only thing I really am doing is changing out seasonal decor and flowers and the rest of the time I'm just sort of wandering. Waiting for a villager to ask to leave so I can go island hopping for somebody new. Right now I'm thinking that maybe what I should do is scrap some of the areas I have and come up with something different. Maybe I should move my shops and museum together, near town hall, and then have two small "residential" areas for my villagers? But I feel like that's the sort of thing a lot of people do? And I really do love how simplistic I've kept my island. I don't want it to get to be one of those islands that people sigh and fawn over on YouTube and such. I just kind of wish I had something more to do than the daily fossil digging, recipe getting, money tree growing stuff...
I'm gonna vote against resetting your island.....sorry. I'm of the opinion that the one and only reason to reset is the island layout.....period. I would really consider just touring other islands or getting ideas to change it up. Starting over mite sound fun, but 3 days later when you realize how much work you have to do to get back to where you were......I didn't see how it's worth it. My opinion.
I'd suggest taking a break from the game entirely. If it's not keeping you gripped then don't force it. Play something else for a few weeks/months and then you'll probably come back to it feeling more enthusiastic.
This so much. I feel like there’s a lot of self comparisons with other islands/players in the community and a lot of weird pressure to stay playing constantly. I don’t mean people are pressuring you into playing, but just seeing what everyone else is doing might make people feel like they should keep playing even when they don’t want to. I think taking a break is certainly a great idea and since there are no real in game consequences other than weeds it might be nice to play something else for a little bit or focus on a different hobby! I hope you start having fun with it again! It’s certainly more of a chore to play when you’re not having fun with it. Best of luck!
Thank you for the input everyone! I decided to move a few things around and I'm feeling better! I haven't flattened the island, but I've moved the museum and am pleased with things so far. Good luck on your islands and beating the slump!
I haven't played lately cause I've gotten bored. I am terrible with designing and I don't terraform for fear of messing things up. I have thought a number of times of moving my villagers houses and my shops. I haven't because of the sheer amount of time it would take nevermid the bells. even with tting only being able to move a building at a time sucks plus i'd have to move at least one twice to get things where i want them. and then there is the possibility of doing all that and hating it. i really wish they would make something like a map screen where we can place buildings and see how it will look in game before actually doing it. would save time and bells