net light side shift
I am not against it that much.
I acknowledged in my first comment that I?m fully aware of how many unrealistic elements there are in the game, so it?s really not necessary to remind me of those features. I love the unrealistic parts of the game as much or more than the realistic ones, but I personally enjoy a balance between them best.
That means talking animals and digging up trees but also being on real time and not changing my fundamental appearance. I don?t see why that?s such a confusing concept? Different people have different preferences, and mine helps me immerse myself more into the world. That?s all it is.
I completely understand what you mean. I always feel that games are much more immersive (for me) when there are some restrictions in place, rather than giving the player a ton of control. I personally don?t think character customization is too much for me, but I do get where you?re coming from. I?ve played games that I felt were ruined by giving the player too much control in what should be an immersive world (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning being the biggest offender).