In serious need of help! Concerns my Wii!


a very tired Bug 🪲💤
Oct 30, 2011
Holiday Candy Cane 2024
Galaxy Pizza
Purple Flower Glow Wand
Galaxy Cupcake
Rainbow Balloon
Rainbow Crescent Moon
Rainbow Candy
Rainbow Moon Jellyfish
Heart Glow Wand
I've cross-posted this on multiple sites, and haven't gotten a single reply yet. I'm really hoping that someone here knows what the best thing to do would be.

So about 2 days ago, I performed a system transfer from my Wii to my Wii U. I had plans to format the Wii, since it has the mail brick on it. If you don't know what that is, click on this spoiler:
mail brick.jpg
*Superfluous stuff; don't need to read this, unless you want to understand my issue further*
I have been dealing with this brick on my Wii for about two years now. It was caused when my Wii was attempting to delete messages off of the message board, and the console shut off during the process, creating a corrupted message. The wii has to be turned on in maintenance mode, or else it will lock up. It really doesn't impede gameplay in any way, but it can get really annoying. If I forget to hold down the + and - buttons when I press A on the health & safety screen, the console freezes. If I release the two buttons too early after pressing A, the console freezes. If I back out of an application or a game through hitting HOME and going to the menu, the console freezes. See my issue here? Not only that, but because the issue stems from the message board, and the console has to be turned on in maintenance mode, the message board AND the photo channel are rendered useless. It's just slowly, increasingly getting on my nerves. Oh, and in case you're wondering, I did have the homebrew channel on here at one point, but since I initially believed that the app was the cause of the brick, I uninstalled it.

The only way to get rid of this brick, as shown in the picture above, is to format the Wii. I have always been skeptical about doing this, as I have had this Wii for almost 9 years, and I really didn't feel like putting all of my save data on my Wii U. But of course, a couple days ago, I finally got the guts to transfer all my stuff, and format it. But there's only one issue now...

The Wii freezes up ever single time I try to format it!

I tried to format it twice, and both times, the console froze dead when I pressed the final format button. This is really getting on my nerves. I literally cannot find anyone else who has had this issue online. Since all of my stuff is gone off of my Wii anyways, I'm thinking about just going out and buying a new Wii; one that isn't messed up like mine is.

Thoughts? I really need help.
I don't think there's anything you can do other than get a new one. It should be cheap, though, so you have that.
I don't think there's anything you can do other than get a new one. It should be cheap, though, so you have that.

Yeah. I was considering that as a last resort, but... there's not really much to keep on the Wii, anyways. Heck, I wanted to FORMAT it! Wipe out all of its save data! And not only that, but you're the only person that has replied to me so far.

I have been finding a lot of used Wiis on Amazon for around $30-$40, so I'm probably just going to get a new one (well, new to me anyways) and sell this one, maybe for parts or something.

R.I.P. my Wii ~ 2008-2017
I agree with oath2order. Your best bet is to buy a new one. They are probably the price of your average new-release xbox1/ps4 video game on amazon or the like.
I would say to get a new one. I've used maintenance mode on my Wii only for ****s and giggles, but I don't think I could ever get used to it if I ALWAYS had to do to actually use my Wii. Since you say it has already been formatted after transferring all of your data to your Wii U, you won't be losing out on much thankfully.

Quick question though, when you transferred everything over to your Wii U, does Wii mode run perfectly now? That would have worried me in your situation if it carried over onto my Wii U...
I would say to get a new one. I've used maintenance mode on my Wii only for ****s and giggles, but I don't think I could ever get used to it if I ALWAYS had to do to actually use my Wii. Since you say it has already been formatted after transferring all of your data to your Wii U, you won't be losing out on much thankfully.

Quick question though, when you transferred everything over to your Wii U, does Wii mode run perfectly now? That would have worried me in your situation if it carried over onto my Wii U...

Nope. The Wii still has to be booted up in maintenance mode every time. The Wii U, however, is perfectly fine, since none of my message board messages carried over. That's the reason why my Wii is bricked.

It hasn't been formatted yet. Still can't do it without it freezing. If the darn thing would format, it would delete everything off my Wii, including that corrupted message that's messing it up.
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Couldnt you just delete every file on its own? Itd take awhile but I dont see what formatting does except thats exclusive to like new consoles.

EDIT: Oh its the message making unusable normally too?...Welp, idk how to help.
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I feel so sorry for your Wii.
Did you have anti-bricking software on the Wii
This will probably carry over to the Wii U virtual side (Wii U >Wii )
Bricked is bricked they say
unless you had/have the protection or get another
This happen to me but I had the protection

So sorry but I've never heard of a brick firmware that can be fixed maybe except for a PC/MAC