I would cry when I got shots as a kid but as an adult I can tolerate them. Some people are gifted and can find the vein on the first try, not make it hurt, etc and others...... don't do that. I still wince and turn away when they first stick the needle in but I usually look once they start extracting blood/injecting. I think curiosity is part of it but I'm also a bit paranoid that there will be a bubble in the syringe or something and I'll have a stroke so I check to make sure lmao.
I wouldn't say.. terrified. I just hate getting them. I hate feeling them put stuff in, take stuff out. I hate hate hate hate hate that feeling so much. I just look away whenever I get them since I'm required to have it every year. Still not used to it.
i used to be scared of them. i mean, i think it's the pain of the initial prick that makes me hesitant but after that, i dont mind. after having my blood drawn for a drive, i dont fear them as much as i used to (and constant shots of numbing stuff from the dentist, that stuff works wonders)
i like to get really excited and pumped before i get shots so when they stick it in it feels less scary and more funny because i'm laughing and excited but theres still that thought like lol theres a needle in you
I still get a little nervous when I go in for a shot but since I'm planning to become a nurse, the idea of injections aren't so bad as they used to be. The one bad experience I remember though is when this nurse couldn't draw blood from my arm and she kept stabbing me to try until she finally settled on drawing blood from my hand.
i always still get nervous when i need a shot, i got a lot of vaccines as a baby (as most people do) and i completely don't remember them, even if i was around the age of four or five. years later i had to get a shot for school and i was completely terrified 8( but i didn't even feel anything but the lady was like r u ok u literally look like a tomato
I don't mind them too much anymore, to be honest I kind of like controlled pain like injections at the doctors office (I don't shoot up ok) but maybe that's just me. I used to be terrified of shots when I was a child.
i used to be really scared of needles and would get pretty shaken up by them. one time in seventh(?) grade, i got a flu shot, and literally the next day, i got the flu not fun.
I used to terrified of them when I was a kid. When I moved to the United States, my parents lost all my records of vaccinations so I had to take about 6 in one day and about 12 in the coming months. I was able to handle it and now my fear of needles/injections are gone
Needles barely hurt idk why they affect me so much
I can cut open my finger cooking and just stand there and hop a little but if I get a shot i am on the verge of tears
Because of my medical anxiety needles are the height of my fear. I literally cry like a big fat baby, and cry harder when someone tries to reassure me... That being said I can be pierced and tattooed with zero fear, and actually much enjoyment. It's just medical needles that freak me out, like everything else medical...
I don't mind getting vaccines and stuff since they just stick it into your fat anyways but I hate, I say HATE taking blood tests and stuff when have to find a vessel/vein or what you call it and then drag it in and out so slowly. Have really low blood pressure so, yea.