• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Innapropriate Placement of Villager Houses Picture Thread

Just so you know, he'd still have moved to different spots if you kept trying (unless that spot was the only place with enough space, but I doubt that was the case). Sometimes they just have a tendency to move into a certain spot, but they'll still move around sometimes! I think Bonbon plopped down her house in the same spot 5 times in a row before moving to another spot.

Ugh, I wish I'd kept trying. I just assumed that something had gone wrong, since it was pretty coincidental that he'd put his house in the same exact spot three times in a row (I do have plenty of space for houses). On the start screen, his plot was also visible, so I thought that maybe that was an indication of something.
When you think someone is going to move into your town, instead of starting the game as your mayor on that day (which saves the town before you play) you create a new save file and walk around your town looking for the fenced-off house area. If you don't like the location, you keep turning off until you find a location you do like. When you have you plant a house down, talk to Isabelle so she saves the game then delete that character.

I didn't know that was a thing, sounds pretty interesting! How do you know someone is going to move in though?
Ugh, I wish I'd kept trying. I just assumed that something had gone wrong, since it was pretty coincidental that he'd put his house in the same exact spot three times in a row (I do have plenty of space for houses). On the start screen, his plot was also visible, so I thought that maybe that was an indication of something.
Yeah, I completely understand! If I hadn't read about it on the forum, I know I would have thought the same thing and just given up after a few tries. Good luck getting him out!

I recently restarted and changed my date to June 9th, and while TTing through each day, Keaton moved in front of my house. (Lower left) A few days later Pate moves in front of my house. ._. It's always the ducks. In my old town, Freckles was literally right in front of my house.
Dear Deirdre,
this is not okay.

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Julian, who will hopefully be moving out soon, was my first villager to move in. And placed his house right next to mine. :( I seriously cannot wait until he is gone.

I also thankfully knew about the villager house placement trick before receiving any of my dream villagers, so getting Mathilda in the right spot was easy. :)
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Rooney moved in right in the middle of my path leading to the town hall, now it's really awkward to walk on that path xD
Wendy decided she'd like to be about as close to Re-Tail as you can...owo
Coach, moved in and put his house right in front of my police station a day after I paid it off. You literally could not see the station. Luckily, I time traveled a few times trying to get something from Nooks, and Coach mysteriously disappeared without even telling me in person. I got a letter saying he had moved, lol.
Hamprey why. Why infront of my bridge >_< No picture to show though :p

That happened to me before! Right in front of a bridge. So I demolished the bridge so I could build it like two spaces to the left and Isabelle said a villagers house was too close. Um...come on Isabelle, really?

I also once had one of my villagers build their house directly northeast of house, but I ended up making the area look cute with bushes/tree's and their house ended up looking like my shed lol
I also once had one of my villagers build their house directly northeast of house, but I ended up making the area look cute with bushes/tree's and their house ended up looking like my shed lol

Haha! Why do I now want a villager to land in my garden. :p

I did think before I wanted a horse villager with a wooden house to move a fair ways to the right of my house, so I could put a signboard in front of their house with Stables written on it and have them as a pet. Or a Doghouse.
Maelle moved in the middle of my path, but I'll live, because half of it is still there and she'll move eventually.

I'm curious though, when you're buying/trading for a villager you've asked to move in from someone else's town, how long is it until they actually move in to your town? (How many days from the date they're in boxes do you need to do the reset trick?)
Lol I'm pretty sure that it's rare for almost all of the neighbors to form a neighborhood >_> Which is exactly what my neighbors did when I first started.

I wanted to be isolated, so I moved all the way out next to the beach. Annalise was there too, but she was pretty far so I didn't care. Egbert was pretty far too

Then, Canberra plopped her house right besides mine, of all places. Then Avery plopped his house touching the left side of my house. Then Kevin comes and puts his house touching the right side of Canberra, right below Annalise, and touching the left side of Egbert. Then some more people moved right next to the neighborhood

Like, 80% of my villagers were bunched up into one corner of the map. Lol I didn't take a picture, but everyone would laugh whenever they entered my town to see my neighborhood >_>

Left me lots of PWP space, though, lol


Oh, and I can't forget my sister's Al. He literally moved right in front of her isolated house on a cliff, and every time she would enter the game, she was covered by the smoke of his chimney. It was so messed up lol
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i had deena in front of my town hall right from the start of the game ew
she finally moved out a couple weeks ago
When I first moved in the village, I noticed 4 out of the 5 villagers were next to each other closeby the beach and Re-Tail. I decided to move there as well, since I like a crowded neighbourhood. Fast forward two months later and only three villagers (out of the ten) are not living in the village center and all I want if for the houses to be tighly packed together. I don't know why people are complaining about having neighbours too close to their house. I think it's in the game's code to have animals crowd around your house.
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Kiki ended up moving into the exact same spot once Violet left.

After that, some lovely person learned of the reset trick and I haven't had the problem since.