Insane School Rules?

My highschool I attended to had a rule where you could not bring your own lunch. It was basically there to force us to purchase our lunches from the school so they could 'fund' things. The rule lasted maybe half a year before parents got fed up with seeing their kids come home starving (myself included, we couldn't really afford the 7 dollars a day it cost for said lunches).
Oh boy, my elementary school was a mess when we got a new principal and vice-principal.
-At the beginning of the second semester last school year, they banned everyone from saying covid or corona which made ZERO sense to me and my friends. The principals acted like it was a cuss word. It even confused our teachers.
-Middle school kids weren't allowed to wear costumes the day of/day before Halloween, but they let elementary kids wear theirs.
-Weren't allowed to have phones or handheld consoles at recess. Phones make sense, but our DS? Gameboy? Why? What did you think we were going to do with them?
-We didn't get to listen to music. At all. Even if you were using an MP3 player. Sometimes they let us, but most of the time it was banned.
-No Pokemon cards.
-At one point, we got yelled at for playing tag and it ended up getting banned. This was years ago. A game of tag was the whole point of recess for my friends. We did nothing wrong.
-Also, at the same time, we weren't allowed to PLAY on the PLAYSET. They gave us flyers and everything about it.
-Years ago, they got rid of the monkey bars because a kid broke their wrist or arm or something on it. They are monkey bars, you're gonna end up falling and hurting yourself at some point. Also, my classmate broke a leg jumping off of a climb... tower... idk what it is called but you didn't get rid of that when he broke his leg while other kids were getting hurt too.
-At the beginning of 5th grade, they banned us from going onto the field. Nothing even happened, they just took the whole entire field away from us.
-Similar to that, they banned us from being near the kindergarten playground that was sectioned off last year. Again, nothing happened. We just sat and talked about food most of the time. The other time was spent playing wall ball.
fidget spinners got banned and confiscated constantly back when I was in high school, lol.
now im in uni and its kinda just like... eh? like don't keep alcohol/weed in your dorm but no one really checks anyways.

with covid theres more restrictions, like wear masks, but those aren't really weird.

oh right, back in middle school I think they tried to ban "the game" because everyone was making "you just lost the game" announcements like constantly lol
Oh god when I was in highschool we had such weird rules. -context: super strict british public mixed church school so we had a stupid uniform

On 'non-uniform days' you werent allowed to wear a hoodie??? I assume bc no hoods/hats rule but like n o h o o d i e s

When i joined the school the rule was skirts had to be something like 17 inches ( might be wrong) and like they literally camr around to measure us. - for a while I gave up and wore trousers. Later they changed it to had to be at least below the knees. You would get a detention if it was the wrong length.

*no smart phones allowed at all*
They gave you a choice of 3 of those super old iconic brick phones like think old nokia brick phone style.
Everyone still did bring theirs in, bUT THEY WOULD TAKE YOUR PHONE AWAY FOR AN ENTIRE TERM (1/3 of a year) IF THEY CAUGHT YOU???? Bruh (i was lucky never caught) - also not allowed to bring in any form of entertainment even if just for break other than books

You weren't allowed to dye your hair, youd get sent home if you did.

Since I left they introduced their own brand of backpacks with the logo on, which is now part of the uniform, its overpriced too 😔

You have to bring in a pencil case with like 20 things in it at all times- even if you dont have classes that required the items. Oh and they c h e c k through your kit every week. Detention if you even forget a pen.

You also weren't allowed inside any buildings aside from the cafeteria at lunch/break even if it was raining which sucked becase it could not fit everyone in Even crowded. There was outside shelter but what about when it was cold? F r e e z e.

Ah yes and my favourite was lining up in register order in the 'cage' after every lunch / break for at least 10 mins of standing in absolute silence. Need to ask someone to shuffle their bag a bit so you can breath? Detention.

There was loads of other weird rules too but I think i have vented enough
cant think of anything super crazy. in one of my college classes our chemistry teacher was something else. if one person was just a minute late she would go bright red and yell at everyone about how ashamed we all should be, she tried to make them feel embarrassed and then send them off in a room to work alone sometimes, i guess to set an example or something. dont think that went as intended since even if i was only one minute late i would skip class and make up an excuse later just to avoid that confrontation lol.

loom bands which were The trend at the time got banned at my secondary school. not because of people making them but because at some point we stopped doing that and just used them as slingshots.
*Can't carry deodorant
Wait excuse me but no deodorant?? For sweaty teens??? That's really gross. I understand a ban on perfume/axe (some guys in my middle school would spray a motherload of axe in the hallways and it was legit hard to breathe because of it) but DEODORANT?? Wow.

My schools didn't have any messed up rules, luckily. But everyone was a little mean instead! :D
My school wouldn't allow any kid to throw out/recycle anything. If you had, say, a banana at lunch, too bad, you had to hold onto that rotting peel and throw it out when you got home.

Edit: Teachers would actually dig through the garbage and pull out each item one by one, demanding to know who's was who's.
We were only allowed to wear coats that were our school colours, which meant that I got told off for wearing a green winter coat :rolleyes: a ridiculous rule, especially considering coats can be expensive so some kids legit couldn't afford to buy new ones
We couldn't carry backpacks during the last school year which was frustrating cuz I had to learn how to use a locker.
Nothing too crazy, just the normal irritating.

Maybe the most weirdest is when I transferred to another elementary school, we weren't aloud to bring our backpacks inside the classroom. No idea why, so we hung them on these racks outside.

Which lead to someone stealing my dinosaur keychain that was gifted from an old friend from my previous school. I told the teacher and they made it my fault for leaving something "shiny" in plain sight, lol.
The High School I went to was a poorly run charter school. There weren’t really rules, but rather “guidelines.” You could talk back to teachers, use your phone in class, and skip whenever you wanted. I could count on one hand the number of times a teacher ordered a student to quit doing something.

The only “strictness” we had was how much we had to use computers. Most assignments and study references were only online. If you wanted a printout to relieve your eye strain, you were out of luck.
i never understood the not being allowed to wear hats/hoods inside. teachers would get so mad its ridiculous
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oh oh so back in my science high school, in the handbook it said that students of the opposite sex aren't allowed to hug for more than 15 seconds?? which was uh,,, weird but yeah at one point i was hugging one of my friends who was sad and one of our other friends was like "alright that's enough hugging for you" ahahaha

also, when i visited them a few months ago, there's this new rule where girls aren't allowed to have short hair (like pixie cuts) nor are they allowed to have undercuts and it's just??? weird bro that's her hair and she's in high school when else are these kids supposed to go through Bad Haircut phases oof
There's probably a bunch, but these are the ones I can think of right now:

1. Along with others, dress code. I don't really mind it, but what DOES bother me is that they only yell at certain students. Like, when the popular student wears shorts that are way too short nobody cares, but as soon as any other student does the teachers go insane.

2. Whenever our school got shut down, the pandemic hadn't even hit our state yet. Regardless, kids were wearing masks to school to try to keep safe, as we already had to wipe down all of ours desks, wash our hands, etc. Our teachers/principals WOULD NOT let us wear masks. Kids legitimately got yelled at for it. It doesn't really make any since to me, but oh well.

3. This rule is ridiculous, but for me it's in my favor. You don't have to take PE if you are in band and choir. Like, at all. I haven't taken gym class (until this year due to choir being canceled) in 3 years.

4. This isn't my school, but a neighboring school won't let you carry around any backpacks or binders. If you carry a binder, you have to be able to see through it.
I am female, and I’ve been in Catholic school for 12 years, so I am no stranger to stupid rules.

In middle school, a big commotion was started because some girls wore grey socks. GREY. It was a problem because only white, black, and nude were allowed. The teachers acted like it was a threat to national security. Nobody would have noticed if they hadn’t lost it like they did.

Uniform skirt length
Again in middle school, skirts had to touch the top of the knee or all hell would break loose. This poor girl who grew too quickly for her skirt hem to keep up faced a lot of crap for it.

Picture day
Once again in middle school, we could not wear jeans on picture day. People got sent home and forced to pay for retake photos over this. The picture was only from the chest up, so I fail to see why it mattered. For girls, the uniform skirt rule applied to dresses. I almost got sent home for a LONG SLEEVED DRESS THAT COVERED MY WHOLE CHEST AND BACK just because it was slightly above my knee. When my homeroom teacher began to reprimand me, I was so done at that point that I cut her off, pulled some leggings out of my backpack, and put them on right there (I had little spandex shorts on under the dress so nothing was indecent).

Field day
For those who don’t know, Field Day is an event at the very end of the school year in May where students are divided into teams and compete in athletic events. On this day, girls could not wear shorts unless they wore leggings underneath them. Tank tops were also not allowed. I once watched a teacher paper clip a girl’s bra strap to her tank top because it showed just a bit.

Masks (pre-COVID)
This was way before COVID. In high school, a friend of mine missed two days of school from sickness and suffered in her classes. She wanted to come back for the sake of her grades, so she wore a surgical mask to lessen the chance of infecting anyone. The principal sent her home because the mask “freaked people out.” Now masks are mandatory to enter the school. Bruh.

That’s all I remember at the moment. High school has been less strict, but I’m ready to go to non-religious school for the first time in college.
Food allergy? No matter the severity, you had to sit at a lunch table more than 20 feet away from anybody. I’m allergic to peanuts only if I eat one, and they tried to make me sit at the peanut table by myself (this was a million years ago in fourth grade) and one of the lunch ladies was kind enough to sneak me in to the regular tables.

Also, did I mention that you had to sit with your class? It made no sense. Instead of sitting with your friends from different classes you could only sit by the ones in your class. (I suppose this was in place so that they didn’t have to get 400 third graders to scramble into a single file line from all over the cafeteria)
I went to a private "Christian" High School and we were not allowed to have dances at all. There was a strict no hand-holding or public display of any affection allowed. We had the strictest rules when it came to the dress code and it was very over-strictly enforced to where they would send kids home over something as non-offensive as an inch to two inches too short for girls (it was mostly girls that got in trouble for dress code violations). Do keep in mind I went to high school in the early 90s so this was before the internet was a big thing as well as smartphones, so those were a moot point.
I attend a private Australia secondary school (though in Australia all schools wear uniforms and follow similar rules) and we have a bad rule for boys- if the teachers see shirts tucked out or socks rolled down there are raised voices and detentions. Hw late by a day all so gets a bad penalty.