Oh god when I was in highschool we had such weird rules. -context: super strict british public mixed church school so we had a stupid uniform
On 'non-uniform days' you werent allowed to wear a hoodie??? I assume bc no hoods/hats rule but like n o h o o d i e s
When i joined the school the rule was skirts had to be something like 17 inches ( might be wrong) and like they literally camr around to measure us. - for a while I gave up and wore trousers. Later they changed it to had to be at least below the knees. You would get a detention if it was the wrong length.
*no smart phones allowed at all*
They gave you a choice of 3 of those super old iconic brick phones like think old nokia brick phone style.
Everyone still did bring theirs in, bUT THEY WOULD TAKE YOUR PHONE AWAY FOR AN ENTIRE TERM (1/3 of a year) IF THEY CAUGHT YOU???? Bruh (i was lucky never caught) - also not allowed to bring in any form of entertainment even if just for break other than books
You weren't allowed to dye your hair, youd get sent home if you did.
Since I left they introduced their own brand of backpacks with the logo on, which is now part of the uniform, its overpriced too
You have to bring in a pencil case with like 20 things in it at all times- even if you dont have classes that required the items. Oh and they c h e c k through your kit every week. Detention if you even forget a pen.
You also weren't allowed inside any buildings aside from the cafeteria at lunch/break even if it was raining which sucked becase it could not fit everyone in Even crowded. There was outside shelter but what about when it was cold? F r e e z e.
Ah yes and my favourite was lining up in register order in the 'cage' after every lunch / break for at least 10 mins of standing in absolute silence. Need to ask someone to shuffle their bag a bit so you can breath? Detention.
There was loads of other weird rules too but I think i have vented enough