-Pocky x Kyle x Cartman
-Your hentai girl
-Try me btch
-Pocky the hker/strper
-Pocky x Luca
-Kaida x Junpei OTP
-Pocky x Sparro
-Anti-weeaboo foundation
-The questions
-Pocky x everyone
-Calls 1-800-yallneedjesus
-Salt master
-I'm not a furry
-The weeb story
-Fan fictions
-Sweet baby jesus
-500 body pillows
-Pocky wants a cracker
-Rest in yiff
-Wee woo wee woo
-I hopal for opal
-Rip Mari
-Suicidal RP characters
-Stop killin yo characters
-The chao's are our crack
-Sugilite made me a baby mama
-Pocky's waifus
-Washed up emo kid
-Sailor Quartz
-Pocky is a narcissist
-Crying in the toilet
-The smart idiots